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Mutuu! Store closed!!

Mutuu was a blast to play, he died fullfilling a merc contract...so it goes. Thanks to Trendy for first, starting him out, and finally, putting him down. He was a mook, a toady, and total flunky. Loads of fun to play! Thanks to all his customers, and Monsterous compatriots..I wish I had figured out screen shots long ago. "A drow, a Lizardman and an orc walk into a bar"...

Fun facts... Was not an orc..just thought he was (halforc) Was not evil, but well on his way Was smarter then he ever let on.

At one point, had over 4k in gold, and over 500 pounds of gear. (My next big thing will be to comprehend EFUSL, promise)

Hopeing the best thing to come out of Mutuu..Johnathan Scribbles..

Here's hopeing I figured it out..Thanks to Snoteye and the Great FAQ.


Was a blast working with Mutuu the first time I saw him. Thought the name was fitting and yeah, everyone thought he was an orc.

Bugger! That's the second character that's died owing me equipment. :( (first was Hafur rudely getting himself slaughtered by *spoiler* before giving me my share of the *spoiler* loot)

Nice work using Muutuu as a "prelude" for Scribbles with the notes. That was a neat way to make alts into a continuing story.

I liked Mutuu.

But dammit.