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First Pikeman Daneel


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Cycle of Sanctuary, Year 46 Thool'oon, the Sublime Visionary, a beholder, settles in a cave not far from the walls of Sanctuary. Victims of its magical domination include several Seekers and Sheriff Hennet. Thool'oon and its cultists are all slain during a joint operation conducted by the Seekers and the Order of the Spellguard in Alturiak.

With Sheriff Hennet's death, chaos rules Sanctuary, dissent the new currency. Councillor Deriil Khovn hosts a number of mock trials, persecuting former slaves of the beholder hive Chabzash and the illithid settlement Ysinode. Councillor Khovn eventually is detained indefinitely in the Spellguard Tower.

Ches: Encouraged by the new, and still serving, Spellguard Commander Stephanos Simms, the Council promotes Sergeant Ardel Wyle to the rank of Sheriff.

Sheriff Wyle and Spellguard Commander Simms work closely together to restore order, catching and executing many of the riots' leaders.

- Jonas Kohler