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Is Gray orc a playable or non-aplication race?

I have wondered of if there is a Gray Orc sub race? Just because we have no sub races for orcs and I saw a thing about gray orcs on a forgotten realms website.

You can apply for any of the following subraces: Aasimar, Air Genasi, Arctic Dwarf, Bugbear, Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin), Deep Imaskari, Deep Orc, Drow, Earth Genasi, Fire Genasi, Ghostwise Halfling, Gnoll, Gray Dwarf, Gray Orc, Half-drow, Hobgoblin, Mountain Orc, Tiefling, Water Genasi, Werecat, Wererat, Werewolf, Wild Dwarf.

For any new players reading that may have missed our FAQ, you can basically apply for any subrace. If the application is good enough, we may just decide to accept it!