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[Maxwell Weber's Campaign Flyers and Posters]

Posted in the Stand, Town Hall.

People of Sanctuary! I have lived in this city all of my life, all of my fifty-six years! And I am ashamed of what it has become! This past council term alone, what has happened?

The great maw of the Shadow Death bared its teeth at us, spewing death and destruction; our walls were beset by numerous beasts and enemies, ranging from gnolls to umberhulks to drow; the Ghaunadauran rebels were allowed to exploit and make use of our citizens and turned the wrath of Traensyr in our direction; the men and women of the Watch were decimated by the thralls that had been allowed to infiltrate it!

This council term has simply been one of the most abysmal in all of the city's history and it is just part of the downward spiraling trend!

This city is doomed! And it will continue to fall further and further into the abyss if nothing is done about it.

I, Maxwell Weber, will do something about it! I will not stand idly by and let this city, my home, because as ruined and deprecated as the deep gnomes that once lived here did!

What does this city need? It needs an iron fist! It needs law, order, and most importantly, dedication from its citizens! This city has become weak, involved with and controlled by those who care too much about the frivolous, those who are not willing to do what it takes to keep this city safe.

I am not one of these bleeding heart, let-the-people-roam-freely, liberals! You let the people roam free and their stupidity and their greed and their apathy and their irresponsibility will lead the city to chaos and danger! This city needs to be whipped into shape, it needs "tough love", it needs to be forced onto the right track so that it does not careen off the edge into the deepest, darkest depths of the Underdark!

How, exactly, do we do this? Simple. We make the people of this city, the citizens, work for its safety, work for its well-being, work for themselves!

Thus, on the council, I will work towards some very specific things:

- All fit men and women of adult age are to be trained in the use of weapons, both melee and ranged, and the basic use of armour.

- Furthermore, all fit men and women of adult age are to serve at least a month of duty in either the Watch Reserve or a general labour corps.

- No one will be issued a sending stone until they man the walls of the gates or served in the general labour corps for at least two tendays. (Alternatively, one may provide the city with three hundred gold pieces to obtain a sending stone prior to the completion of their service).

- All citizens will be subjected to regular enthrallment testing.

Those who do no service to Sanctuary either by not fulfilling the above or by other acts of treachery will be dealt in the harshest way possible.

- Those who desert their duty desert this city and shall be punished with death.

- Those who assault another shall be punished with death.

- Those who steal from another shall be punished with death.

- Those who incite violence or trouble shall be punished with death.

Perhaps you might think, do I think death is the punishment for all crimes? Yes, I do!

Fines are the tools of the greedy and conniving. Exile is the punishment of the weak and meek. The enemies of Sanctuary deserve only death and the enemies of Sanctuary are those who are too lazy to defend it with their own blood and sweat, those who are too selfish to obey its laws!

People make mistakes, some would say. This city is in a position where mistakes can be our complete and utter doom as the gnomes who dared to attack The Great Shadow Death demonstrated. We cannot stop people from making mistakes, but we can prevent them from making more than one. I will not allow our city to be threatened by the continued irresponsibility and carelessness of those too foolish to think of others they put at risk.

Vote for Maxwell Weber and you vote for a man who will not allow Sanctuary to be governed by the whims of fools!

Also posted about:

Candidate Maxwell Weber is not afraid of questions of any sort! Send questions and letters to him at the Stand and he will publically answer every single one of them.

//PMs would be best for that.

The following is a response to some recent criticism directed towards my election campaign:

Other candidates have stated that they agree with my goals but disagree with my ideas of mandatory and conscripted services to the city, that people should be allowed to have the choice to volunteer.

The problem with volunteering is this: it does NOT force the lazy and the slothful to work for this city. Instead, it allows the IRRESPONSIBLE to lay about on their backs, content to let their fellow, HARD WORKING CITIZENS carry them.

Mandatory and conscripted service would lead to low morale, my opponents say. Morale, I say, you shall HAVE when your hard work and sacrifice in tears, sweat, and blood has driven this city through the miles of rock above our heads and onto the surface. Morale, I say, you SHOULD ALREADY HAVE from the simple fact that you survive n this Underdark, surrounded by the horrors of illithids, beholders, drow, and countless of other creatures that would prefer to see you as slaves, a meal, or simply dead for their own amusement. If all of these things do not motivate you towards defending and working for this city, then you DESERVE to be marched out of the gates, into the Underdark, and thrown at the very creatures that you would not work to protect the rest of this city and your fellow citizens from.

My opponents have said that restricting access to sending stones is a preposterous idea, that it is one of the key tools to the city defenses. Thus, that is why only those who SERVE OR HAVE SERVED in the city's defense should be assigned them. Many months ago, these sending stones were referred to as CITIZEN STONES in a bona fide, pseudo-indicator of ones citizenship to this city. Citizenship must be EARNED, not merely given.

I will freely admit that my knowledge of the current enthrallment detecting technology is limited, but my policies will still do everything possible to weed the WEAK MINDED TRAITORS from our midst.

Finally, minor crimes are crimes. All crimes are indication of a level of RESPECT and DEDICATION to the society that is less than complete. All crimes against the CITIZENS of Sanctuary are crimes against SANCTUARY. Why bother fining the minor crimes of criminals when all of the very gold in their pockets shall fund their very own execution?

Citizens of Sanctuary! Think of where you are right now. You are in the UNDERDARK! A place harsh, uncaring, and deadly. Will you allow the mistakes and laziness of other people to put you at RISK? If not, then vote for MAXWELL WEBER!




I recently conversed with Jergalite Lyrantical regarding topics specifically of interest to him. I imagine that the general populace would be interested as well, however.

Having seemingly seen my other campaign fliers, the Jergalite asked me how dead criminals should be treated. My answer is very simple: dead criminals shall not be treated in anyway comparable to how the defenders and law abiding citizens of this city are treated in death.

The CRIMINAL is a CRIMINAL because he is a plague upon good society by breaking the laws of Sanctuary or endangering the good state's very existence. Let the CRIMINAL find a ditch for his corpse to lie in. Let the CRIMINAL'S corpse fester and rot, to physically manifest itself as disease and plague in a far off location from the city just as the CRIMINAL was a social disease and plague upon both defenders and good citizens. Let the CRIMINAL be thrown from the cliffs into Lower, a place more suited for his apathetic, selfish kind.

Above all else, the CRIMINAL will not rest alongside our defenders. The CRIMINAL will not be given the same respects as our law abiding citizens.

I told the Jergalite: The city embodies spirit of survival. The spirit of tenacity and the unwillingness to be beaten down into the dirt and stomped upon. The souls of the dead CRIMINALS be damned, lost, and forgotten for they bring nothing of value or worth or consideration to this city.