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Elizabeth Ravenlock

Elizabeth Ravenlock, Countess of Beauty, is currently suffering from a severe case of deadness.

Elizabeth Ravenlock (Listen in Silence)

This character was created on Friday, March 28th at 05:16:04 AM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 308 times. The character has spent 11 days, 4 hours, 13 minutes, and 27 seconds online.

She was involved in some serious RP, and minimal amounts of PvP. Throughout her career, she only died a total of five times, all of which were in DM events or PvP, resulting in raising.

A good many of characters were extremely important in the RP of this character, but for fear of forgetting one I won't list any. I'm willing to bet most of the players on the server interacted with her in some way however, so give yourselves a pat on the back EfU!

Now, screenies.

She was very protective of children.




Very dramatic dialogue.





She didn't get married.


I have more of them, but few are appropriate for public view and even less of them are interesting. Anyone who's got 'em can bring 'em though.


Awesome, LiS. Now stop dying.

Hawtness Patrol reporting for duty! Note, how, to the right, Wyric Crowshire, true gentleman as he is, is turning awa as his lady is changing. Someone else didn't. Hawt. ;)

Danger never forgave her. Or any of the Montezzis. But she was actually one Danger would of tried to redeem, since she was once CG (and he actually KNEW her when she was!), that is, if he got the chance to.

Still, I can't beleive she got away without justice for *SPOILER*, killing a lot of folks in the Lower (Civilians at that!), and of course, the Mithrilsoul Assault's aftermath murders. . . though most people didn't like the Miths after the attack. (Semaj was one of them, as with the rest of the spellies in the Tower)

Still, she was a great character.

If you have any of a. . . particular ambush and the aftermath of it, I'd like to see them in PM's.

:o ... I'm not typing anything.

Epic typo = win

Looking at those screenies, I am definitely going to make a Druid and app for Shifter on my next char for the entertainment value. And why'd you have to get another char killed? Now Archibald's Snooty Rating just divebombed. :P

Good luck on the new char.

Egon the Monkey Looking at those screenies, I am definitely going to make a Druid and app for Shifter on my next char for the entertainment value.

Shifting roleplay is entertaining the first few times you encounter it, but it gets really old, really fast.

Elizabeth was queen of beuaty, but also queen of drama. Wyric & Elizabeth relation was fun to play with, as it always had these moments "I wonder if the person is lying to me", especially during the Montezzi times... Excellent character.

BTW, LiS has this crazy habit of planning everyone's DEATH, I got the tell "I could kill everyone this room if I wanted" too, as it was mentioned at other screenshot post.

Oh, and it was fun when I had elwicket complain to the Archibalds about Cania for killing a goblin because she'd done it using what he thought was a demon, and when we'd got a horde of zombies shambling after us :D.

Having my paranoid, cheerfully violent gnome teeter on the edge of cussing the air blue, running like fury, flinging a bomb or all three was cool, especially with her in full on sneer mode while I ranted.