A response to "Egon Rosenqvist"
Prospective Councillors,
The law against selling in public places is installed for a reason. It is designed to counter the uncompetitive disadvantage merchants who own land incur from taxes, every two months. As you all know, there are few ways the Watch can effectively and fairly tax citizens, this is why a majority of the city's funds come from land owners, and it is not fair on the merchants who own stalls and then pay large amounts of coin to operate, to be put out of business by a landless adventurer who pays no tax whatsoever, thus operating at a lower than average fixed cost, (Compared to landowner counteparts), contributing nothing to his city.
This law works to foster a more competitive and fair trading environment for all citizens, and ensures landless men and women who rent rooms at the Last Stand, and grow rich from trade, pay taxes for the safety and security provided to them in Upper Sanctuary.
If they wish to go to Lower Sanctuary, and loose all their hard earned goods to a mugger, just to avoid a 300 gold per Council term fee, then that is their perogative. It is long past time that landless merchants pay something to the city that provides them a secure environment to operate and prosper in. Go to Lower Sanctuary if you want to pay no taxes, see how well anarchy has worked for them.
As for the merchant's guild stall at the marketplace, this is private property; using the stall without hiring it from the Sanctuary Trade Consortium will be considered trespass. The marketplace is public property, whereas the stalls are private property. You may not trade in the marketplace without first owning a stall, hiring a stall, or possessing a Solicitor's License, or directly dealing with one who does. If these conditions are not met, then it is a crime.
Abolishing this law will only mean less city funds, a more uncompetitive trading environment, less tax paying citizens and a greater financial strain on landowners. The law is no barrier to committed traders, whether they are budding or otherwise. This law does not inhibit Sanctuary's economy, rather, it nurtures it by encouraging a more equal and fair marketplace. I ask you to consider this before taking the word of a self interested merchant, who still avoids paying taxes through a hopefully soon to be fixed loophole.
There is a price for security, and it is through taxes that we are able to have an organised defence. If people want to brave the Chosen in Lower Sanctuary, just to save a few coin, they are welcomed to.
Private James William Everard