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To Vera Lynn

Hello there i do hope this letter gets to you as am not in the best place right now to hand it there myself anyway on to the point i hear you are running for a place in our fair goverment if this is true i would like to know if i could have an interview with you for the city news paper? if so them please reply to the crone i am staying there as i just got back from a littel trip from the spider caves. Dram Marthen

Dram Marthen,

I'd be happy to do an interview. Just leave a reply when you want me to meet you, and I'll try my best to come!

-Vera Lynn

may thanks once i have got a clear space i shall place a time for us

OOC// if you give us the GTM time you ually play at i will just pop on as am on break for the next few days and am being lazy!