The Crimson Magician
2008-08-03 14:57:08 UTC
*The writing in this book is messy, although most grammar and spelling is correct.*
Book of Kitstirex
By Kits
I've seen many lots of things happen around. I've met many friends, like Jails, and Prince Co. My name is now Kits the Silver Sorcerer. But most called me Kits. Chief Issy is not around too much. Maybe I can steal the position. But that would be too bad. And it no like its a bad life.
Next time we see the gnome, and his whore, we are going to kill him. He can use his whore all he wants, but it won't protect him from Silver Tribe!
The Crimson Magician
2008-08-04 14:50:56 UTC
*There is a streak of blood crossing the page, above the writing. Another crosses the bottom under the writing.*
We killed two people of day. One was the gnome with big sword, other was a bad woman. I Kits set them on fire. The blew them up. More bad gnomes cross us.
We must kill them.
The Crimson Magician
2008-08-07 14:41:49 UTC
Jails is dead. Not sure is Prinse Co is. I not sure what to do now. Should I go to the safety and protectin of the Shadow Tribe? Conee teaches Kits lots of magic. Has many enemies, though. I not sure how this is going to do for me. Throwel is a new friend. Seems very strong, but does not seem to care who dies.