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Milmamir, Servant of the Crying God

Milmamir, the third character of my creation and the only one at the time to not have any negative attributes, has now passed away.

This character was created on Tuesday, May 1st at 12:22:30 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 280 times. The character has spent 10 days, 16 hours, 43 minutes, and 46 seconds online.

Mind you, that's May 1st, 2007.

He was the only character of mine to have performed a Raise, the only one to have saved a life with Heal, and so far the one who has died to Elder Hook Horrors the most times. He was for two brief months the anointed caretaker of the Beacon, during a time where I had so little idea of factions that the beacon probably accomplished less than it has done since in the hands of the DM's.

He wasn't involved in any great plots at all, save for the occasional DM spicing or DM quest (which was run for other characters) and generally playing him was immensely relaxing as a player.

Milmamir was born on the surface, and as a two century old archer and duelist, the band of adventurers and sellswords he was travelling with died to a tribe of trolls. Milmamir was rescued from their clutches by throwing himself in a river, and drifted to a village where a priest of the Broken God cared for him until he recovered.

He became the apprentice of this priest and after the priest died of high age, he protected the village for nearly two centuries until it was sacked by a tribe of Orcs, who then sold the villagers into slavery and the Underdark. Milmamir survived in captivity of the Drow by making himself useful as a healer, and managed to escape in a riot together with other slaves.

I should probably also mention that Milmamir was 679 years old, and not as close to his 700th birthday as he thought.

He had many friends over the time I played him, so many infact that any of my attempts to list them would end in disaster. Kudos where it's due however, those who deserve it are clever enough to pat themselves on the back!

A list of donations made by him during his time, from memory:

Beacon: ~4500 Orphanage: 3000 The Marching Men: 1200 The Seekers: 500 The School of War: 1000

( The most challenging part about this character was finding inventive ways to rid myself of the gold I received from the high end quests and massive wand/potion orders )

I only have two screenshots! Anyone who has more of them however is welcome to post them too.

He opened his heart to a beautiful woman. Who hasn't.


He did have his less glorious moments...


Kudos to the DM who possessed the watch corporal when I was walking around with that cloak after coming back... That was fun.

He was useless. I have proof.


Meh, you stole my screenshot, Cruz. :(

We never got your 1337 100T back :P Just as we got to the caves again, the server reset, wiping all your gear. And all Justan's remaining stuff he'd gone to recover :( Goodbye, Milmamir. And Goodbye Jubal's Studded Leathers XD

I liked Milmamir and I wish you'd keep playing him, characters who aren't total scumbags are far too rare in the underdark


I never heard Milmamir utter a harsh comment about anyone. So many times I would be wandering around Upper injured and he would come up to me and heal me, say something like "Blessings, child" ,, and continue on his path.


Its been a long time in the EfU past - I dont think the info or SS below is going to reveal anything of great secrecy or import. If it is , DMs , please let me know and I'll *edit*.

Here is a screenshot from a pivotal moment not long after Abastor Dogo and his Cronies devasted the New Dunwarren Temple, and managed to kill Stanislaw Lem (the original High Priest of the Temple). Abastor was dropped by Pepto Fizzwiggle with an epic Phantasmal Killer Spell in the streets of Goblin Town, and we promptly dragged him back up the lift into the Temple of Tyr. There were corpses everywhere.

In the aftermath of the violence, Milmamir stands next to Lem's body on the other side of the locked gate. Kepler couldn't get to Lem to check his corpse! So he asked Milmamir.

I never did find out what Milmamir found on Lem.

I only have these donations recorded for that character:

House of Light: 1734 The Orphanage: 3000


But that's still good!

When I was made caretaker (which was about a year ago?) I had about 2 thousand in the Beacon... And I have been placing even more in there since then. I am very certain I have atleast 2k, and I recall some major donation after that.

The others were to PC's in person, not to donation bowl.