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The Lakewalker now has Concrete Shoes

Yep, thats right. Sleyph (AKA The Lakewalker) no longer walks the server, those who were a fan of him may take solace in that his death did indeed occur underwater :)

But anyway, heres the screenshots I got of him, hope you enjoyed interacting with him as much as I enjoyed playing him.

This character was created on Saturday, April 5th at 08:15:43 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 303 times. The character has spent 12 days, 1 hour, 58 minutes, and 14 seconds online.

Ghyrrt and Sleyph were best friends from the start.

"Lets have it, I'll take you all on!"

What the Society do in their spare time

Use your imagaination you'll guess what he really called The Lakewalker

Councilor Sleyph!

More perverted actions witnessed by Sleyph

Rhukt anyone?

Proof that Umber hulks sleep

I never really noticed Kuo-toa never had any eyes untill this


I'll post some more when the spoilers filter out of EFU and when I can be bothered. Any other screenys are welcome too.

LG dwarf

NE druid


He was my BFF. :(

worst BFF ever

he was an okay guy

Sleyph showed Kirix how to survive being eaten by giant monsters. For this, I was very grateful.

Lakewalker rocked hard and gave/has left a good rivalry in a sense.

I'll miss Lakewalker. He was an interesting char and one badassed fighting druid. And the the rest of you, yes, Justan said exactly what you think he did :P .

<3 Daz.

I think BFF in this thread stands for: Best Friends Forgotten.

Whatever that means.

Yeah, living proof that 8 con frontliners do work!

Sleyph had 8 CON? O_O 8 Con and no shield. But I guess Uncanny Dodge, high Dex and Barkskin did it. Unless that sharkskin armor was seriously badassed DM loot :P.

I was running around with 20 AC most of the time, less if I had rage up. The shark skin was just from Kuo-toa