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Corpse issues.

Bateson carried the corpse of Goblin Butcher's character to lolilblipblop and threw it in a trash pit. All good and well, but his corpse was back at his point of death on reset a short time after. My character carried it back, and with DM support tried to raise it. The error was noted and corrected, but this led to an messy and complex situation involving false hope for a player and winding back considerable RP.

Don't worry about that Roger. I actually figured this out a while back but I'd forgotten to report it and forgotten about it a while back.

If you dump a corpse in a thrash barrel. It appears exactly where you picked it up next reset.

Dumping corpses into trash barrels is bad and something we will look into preventing via scripting.

Kairn could as easily, in-character, have tossed it off the side of the boat, burned it, or done whatever else. The trash pit is the only recourse for non-faction-storage people to destroy a body without Dm help.

The point is, Kairn wanted the body gone so there was no evidence of a crime because having invisible spellguard gank squads running around after her all the time is rather undesirable for some reason. I see nothing wrong with that.

In all the vastness of the Underdark, permanently hiding or destroying a body should not be hard. Right now the trash pits are the only method I'm aware of to do it without asking a DM to help out.

Also, they're not simply garbage cans. They are pits with fires burning at the bottom, or in this case, a tunnel leading into a sea current. Tossing a body in one is completely feasible.

When you think about it, you could put that corpse anywhere. You walk near the gates of Traensyr or the like and notify the person OOC that it is there then the job is done. Like you said, as vast as the Underdark is all you have to do is find a spot you do not think someone would frequent. That would also be the most realistic as a body wouldn't be completely gone unless you fed it to something and thus there would always be that small chance of finding it somewhere obscure.

Nihm The trash pit is the only recourse for non-faction-storage people to destroy a body without Dm help.
Yeah. That's because you need a DM to destroy a corpse.

[Edit] Don't trash corpses. Howland wasn't giving advice on good behaviour, it really can break stuff.

Corpses do not belong in faction storage either.

Hide it if you must, but please do not put corpses in any container. The UD is huge, there are plenty of places to stick corpses. I'll also state that it is our policy that we generally do not allow PCs to permanently destroy another character's body without the approval of a DM.

Sorry, I wasn't aware of this policy/guideline/rule at the time, and didn't want to bother a DM with the trivial business of disposing of a corpse. I also figured when we picked it up and Kairn said they were going to dispose of everything as evidence, our intentions would be clear to the DM present.

Bear in mind also people who want to go find a corpse of a faction member - which may stay persistent through many resets as I've heard - really don't have such a hard time doing so. The server isn't as big as the Underdark is. In some ways it is a goldfish bowl, with people who are knowledgeable knowing where the best places to hide corpses are, and easily doing a process of elimination search.

Somebody suggested the gates of Treansyr - not only will the sentries likely be taking potshots at the invisible person making clouds of dust and putting down a corpse, its as easy to search there as it is to drop a corpse there.

Why destroy a corpse at all instead of let it be raised to further more roleplay? Because a faction with so much power that they can make up any charge they want, fit it to any punishment they want, and find you anywhere with invisibility and PHKs, is easily going to overwhelm Average Joe Adventurer Who Didn't Ask to Be Attacked by a Spellguard Person unless any evidence is hidden of what happened, which is exactly what Kairn was doing.

This should not be a discussion thread.

There is currently a bug: corpses can be put in trash barrels (and apparently, faction storage or other placeable inventories).

This is not a desired mechanical action. It needs to be prevented. Our scripters should be on it.