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Ghyrrt the Goblithid {60+ Images}

Ghyrrt is gone, escaping a lifetime of slavery, prejudice, and social intolerance for his kind. I have over 250 screenies of his life, but most are shit, so these are the ones that I liked the most. Most of these are full screens since I'm too lazy to resize to the pertinant information.

For some random stats, the two Montezzi brothers ended up owing Ghyrrt more than 23,000 gold in loans, which they never paid. Ghyrrt never really killed anyone until after Rinaldo was killed, even though he was said to have been a mass murderer. Most of the kills were done by someone else! Only two PCs ever attacked Ghyrrt with the intent of killing, one succeeded in 4 hits, the other failed but was 3 HP away from killing him. Unfortunately, I do not have an EFUSL account so that the DMs cannot track me cheating massively.

Ghyrrt started out exploring Upper.

He questioned the death of KHALDAR.

The Throne Room was oft filled with loot

Setting out to Blackguard Island

Amaunator does not approve. Didn't seem to matter.

Vick + Ghyrrt = BFF

Rinaldo constantly stood in the way of Ghyrrts desires.


Ghyrrt paid a kobold to kill its bretherin. Then Ghyrrt killed the survivor.

Noble wanted to talk to Ghyrrt. So Ghyrrt obliged.

Rinaldo v. Rorst

Going on a quest and burning villages and killing people for some reason.

Rinaldo claims the fortress.


Glorbor... the Shadow.

Mass slaughter to woo Senestia.

Waylon becomes Prince.

We occasionally got into a tussle.

No one liked Ghyrrts ideas.

Team Montezzi hassling elves in the wilds.

Torroth occasionally came in to talk.

Looking into the future. We should've looked up a bit more.

Waylon dies.

It's true, Montezzi three manned a lot of quests. We actually two manned most of them, as they usually ended up like this.

Skrillix was not fond of Ghyrrt.

Duergar on the move.

Ghyrrt accidentally locks Rob and himself in the basement.

Dentra and Ghyrrt were also BFF's.

This is how we roll.

Rob and Semaj got into conflict over how to handle Datten.

Felynquil showing us how to truly headbutt.

Spying on the spellguard.

Hanging with an angsty elf.

Defending the realm from invaders.

Rinaldo approves of goblins.

We drag Rob out of Lower for some exploring. He is not knowledgeable about the outsides.

Intimidating a kobold.

Being intimidated by a kobold.

Goblin based quest to find FERTILITY IDOLS

The tribe becomes racially confused.

Arriving in time for the kobold wedding. You can guess what happened next.

Ghyrrts first meeting with Intryzz URL=http://imageshack.us]

Stardog was finicky with my XP.

Ghyrrt passes agent training.

Dratsab was cooler than most people gave him credit for.

Intryzz is creepy.

Ghyrrt was saving up for this.

Alas, Ghyrrt did not meet Dr. Dragons high expectations either.

This is getting hot.

Winnie had the best ideas.

We found a new hideout. It looked so cool.

Death to Priss.

Kuo-toans don't take kindly to Winnie trying to intimidate her way in.

kia what.

Rob is not amused.

Intryzz gives us a task to do something.

Intryzz takes control of Ghyrrt to finish it.

Zela scores.

Calculor and Caddies flirt with each other.

Ghyrrt the Wizard.

I got so much hate from the DMs. :(

Kudos. I might post his loot later.

Ghyrrt was the fucking shit best goblin ever.


Ghyrrt killed Hafur, actually. ...Edit

Duegar did, while Ghyrrt was killing me


I don't like how every instance of me interacting with you involved death and violence T_T


lol gert

Ghyrrt was freaking amazing!! Great character!


Ah, I wondered how he kept surviving assassinations, especially Hafur and Carlos. Now I realise. Armed to the pointy goblin teeth with wands! Gratz on an interesting char.

Quite a few wanted to attack him with intent to kill though.

They just couldn't find him reliably. -.-

Glad you had fun!

g00zag was better but this was good too

Good times.

Great character.

This is a fine lesson of why most good and neutral characters should kill goblins on sight... this is what they should and CAN become = badass

One of the best evil PC's EfU has seen imo.


Ripley Ripplebark secretly wanted to get Ghyrrt in the boxing ring and see if he could whup em.

Ghyrrt was awesome, great PC!

Damn your kobold rule. Who get's Lower now? Is it FREE?

I want it.


My dealings with Ghyrrt were always in the strangest of circumstances. Regardless though, you had an amazing run with him and I was happy to be able to interact with him when I could. :)

I miss him already. :cry:


Worst BF ever.

post loot or it didnt happen

Some photoshop work I did for Ghyrrt at one point:

Cunning and clever, I think the character actually had its own sense of morals, honour and wasn't just "EVIL GOBLIN" even if human characters of course saw him as such.

Here is some heart warming dialog Wyric and Ghyrrt (plus his pals) had:

Ghyrrt was full of win!

It was a pleasure to serve steaks to you and your princely entourage.

The character Ghyrrt...what can I say? I really enjoyed the Seeker vs. Montezzi vs. Prince Ghyrrt action. Very nicely done!

The Prince is dead (again) Long live the Prince

Ghyrrt, Best Goblin Ever..

Well, at least justice was done at long last for that damn gobbo.

Great character, and a tad bit uber IMO.

But a Great Character nonetheless.

Fine, bear [DM]. Most of his loot was consumables anyway, like stoneskin and imp invis wands.


Ahhh, you remembered Andrew...I feel so touched.

On a side note, that leater armor was Andrews first wasn' it? I always wondered what happened to it after Andrew exploded in blood (best death ever).

The goblin the Spellguard feared, amazing!

Ghyrrt didn't kill the spider actually, that was a goblin mage with a blob of acid cantrip getting the last hit

The Underdark is a little safer now. >_>

Goblin Escape Slippers for the win.

wow, mourn's sword.

Wow.... these were great pics, the montezzi house had a load of fun.

I like how nobody told Izzy that the inn she manages was being used by the remains of house montezzi. :P Course, I didn't know half the stuff that happened in there, and I"m begining to wish I hadn't unlocked the place. :)

It's also like how you have the player list opened before you start the goblin DM quest, and how it has Roach's name there..... no doubt at that point he was being scolded.

I didn't get to play with you much man, I only met you as Roach and that got cut off pretty fast, but the character of Ghyrrt was rad.