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Winnie the Pink [Big piktoorz]

Since this appears to be a trend and such I suppose I might as well give in to PEER PRESSURE.

I'll open with the usual playtime silliness.

This character was created on Friday, July 4th at 11:58:22 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 97 times. The character has spent 4 days, 23 hours, 58 minutes, and 33 seconds online.

In any case let's start with a character sheet shall we? She really wasn't all that tough! I mean look at that wisdom score, how gimpy!

Winnie lays down the LAW on one of DrD's characters.

Ever ominous Intryzz

Winnie had a secret admirer all along it seems. (And yes that is DM snoteye in the party testing wererat and giving me free +20 warhammers.)

Now please stroke my ego people. I need it. Stroke it, go on, you know you want to.

One: BWAHAHAA! Winnie is a goner! [Egon breaks out the good ale and plays a happy fiddle jig] Two: Even with the nerfage, an enraged barb stops at nothing. Remind me to make one some time. Three: Well done on creating a brilliantly insane villain, half Hannibal Lecter, half Paris Hilton :D. I mean threatening to flay my bard to make a pretty hair bow? That's creepy and disturbing in so many ways.

Hafur killed you, well, technically Wiggy did, but Hafur struck the final blow.

Nice char.

Winnie was fun to have around. :) Though i am not so surprised she is dead... she had a talent for winding people up.

Well done

Words cannot describe how vindictively pleased I am at Winnie's death. She was an amazing character, and excellent villain, and a really big jerk.

:( This sux.

*puts on a rubber glove, looks away, and strokes* *comments over his shoulder*

You owe me dinner for this. At least outback.

I had my chance to kill you.

I didn't though.

Listen in Silence I had my chance to kill you.

I didn't though.

For anyone who didn't know, everytime I got held on a quest for forgetting to drink protection from evil LiS would spam me with "I COULD KILL U NOWZ BUT I NOT LULZ"

But I love him anyway!



*whistles the tune of 'Winnie the Poo'*

... winnie's dead? Crap. I never actually met her IG, but I did look forward to it. I heard she was delightfully mad.

I look forward to watever you come up with next.