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How do you convert the screenshots file type?

How do you convert the pictures taken by printscreen to...whatever format we're supposed to use here? I'm a file converting nublit :(

And I do tend to print screen a lot just so I can look at my own memories, but never figured out how to convert them.

You'll need slightly advanced image editing software. You can probably download some that will open .tga files. Just google it.

When you've downloaded some, open the .tgas with it and save them as .jpegs.

Because I am a sweetheart, and Ladocicea clearly is not:


That website has the program you're looking for!

You download a piece of software that supports the Targa file type, like IrfanView, and save the screenshot as JPEG (.jpg, not .jp2).

Note that, while NWN screenshots in JPEG format of highest quality are rarely that large, the difference between 100% and 90% is, in quality of picture, minor and, in size, ranging from large to huge. Keep those poor 56k'ers in mind. :)

[Edit] Bah!

Funny thing, I already have irfanview, but I didn't know that's how to do it o.O

Yay, that means I helped! >.<

Open the file and save it as a.bmp or something.

No! Save as jpg or gif

Tristan No! Save as jpg or gif

No! .gif only suports 256 colours. BAD!

.gif is much better in efu as if you look around theres mostly dull greys and blues, but then again I only like to use gifs when I'm using photoshop and I can customize exactly what colours stay and go.