But, seriously, Even with monstrous races, I try to have an IC reason other then "he is a monster". For example: Kirix is walking down the street, emoting, RPing, and continuing to rock out. Then min-max barbarian #126 walks along, grabs DM, kills Kirix, takes his stuff. It would be lame beyond any mortal bounds, despite the fact it is utterly IC.
This bothers me a little. While if this is the attitude you want to have about it, that's fine, but I would not recommend it for the rest of the server. Of course, you're extremely right about one thing, and I wish people would be more critical of min-maxing-- it's a very poor way to play EfU and is generally (not always) in very poor taste.
That aside, it's grossly inappropriate for the server to be widely tolerant of monster races. Most of the server should have the attitude that "he is a monster" and then go to FD PvP (although I can certainly understand Subdual first, then monologuing or emoting the brutal/swift/agonizing death that he's receiving for fun!).
The DMs will probably never say anything like this. I wish they would. So I'm going to make a brief list of people who SHOULD NEVER tolerate monsters, quickly going into "Kill on Sight" mode:
- Good and Neutral Dwarves (particularly goblinoids)
- Good and Neutral Elves (particularly goblinoids)
- Good and Neutral Gnomes (particularly kobolds)
- Pretty much ALL Good PCs who have not met the creature through a strange event (Kirix wiping tables). Still, it makes little sense for ANYONE to ever trust one.
- Most Neutral and Evil humans without a very specific reason for not doing so (like wanting to turn them into shock troops against a team of umberhulks and killing them afterwards). Still shouldn't trust them.
Someone's silly thought...
Why are you so strong for mistreating monsters? People just want to have fun as evil little monsters, and don't want to get all involved in PvP!
Monsters are fun BECAUSE they are hunted, BECAUSE they are challenging, BECAUSE nobody trusts you, BECAUSE you are an evil, conniving little twerp and BECAUSE everyone can assume all of these things without even knowing you diabolical plans. Treat them otherwise, and you're STEALING the pleasure of playing these races from those that choose to do so for the right reasons.
If you want to play a monster but have no interest in the thought of getting into PvP without warning, you're playing monsters for the WRONG reason and you should reconsider the purpose for playing a monster.
Ending thoughts:
Monsters are evil. They don't mind eating humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, or hell, sometimes even each other. They are NATURALLY this way, they are not just products of their environment (although it certainly plays a significant role). Kobolds, specifically, do NOT KNOW the emotion of love, at least towards other beings. They do not marry, have families (aside from tribal loyalty, which is unique considering the lack of being able to love!) As far as I am aware, kobolds also cannot be taught to love- meaning that it is a pyschological barrier, making them more like animals than humans in this regard. Goblins, even those that have been members of their native tribe for over a decade, are ALWAYS distrustful towards each other, and live very public lives (even the leaders!) because they know if they don't keep an eye on their conniving "friends", then they'll be backstabbed (and likely will!) in a moment of weakness. As I just showed, the thought of "friends" is very, very shallow in goblin culture. Trust is virtually non-existant.
Please, play goblins and kobolds to reflect this.
*None of this is directed at anyone in particular, which is obvious since the only monster I interact with regularly is doing awesome. It's merely focused towards a trend that I have seen since my days of monstering (just prior to the free-allowance of monster PCs) to now.*