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Councillers of Old Sanctuary,

I require a meeting with one of you, in order to discuss employment within the Sanctuary Library. If you can provide a time and place which me may meet, that would be wonderful. I can be reached at the Last Stand, by the stairs to the gate. Just leave a note on the counter for me.

Thank you, Lon.


You come to us to fill a need at a time when there is a great deal of sloth towards duty and frantic scrambles to draft re-election campaigns. In fact, I have a feeling I'll be the only responding Councilor. About this, I merely seek to inform and apologize on behalf of my fellows.

I will soon be unavailable, but if you earn two recommendations from any of the three field Agents of the Spellguard Order, Private Smith of the Watch, or Mister Kedrick Reynolds of the School of War, have them submitted to Town Hall via letter and I will have the voting process started, despite my absence.

My apologies, but a strange time calls for an unorthadox manner.

Cnc. Dentra