*A handful of fliers, formerly written in Draconic but replaced with ones in Common, are posted around the Pissing Crone, the Bazaar and the kobold camp by a small kobold in faded robes*
The Underdark is a place of cruelty, Brethren. It is filled with dangers, from prowling beasts to collapsing caverns to the putrid Drow. Seeking safety, you have come to the place which calls itself Sanctuary. It promises peace. It promises protection. It promises life.
Sanctuary is a place of cruelty, Brethren. It is filled with dangers, from ignorant humans to vicious Chosen to the vile Spellguard. You were denied its promises of safety because of your race and the small minds of its inhabitants.
The bosom of Kurtulmak is a place of safety, Brethren. He is the father of kobolds, our guide in the darkest times. It is he who provides us the knowledge of mining and the gift of spellcraft. It is he who gives us life. Known that while a Holy Man of the Steelscale walks among you, you will never be alone, for the blessings of Kurtulmak are always within your reach.
Kobolds, Brethren, Children of Kurtulmak; whether you seek guidance in your time of need or the comfort of our maker's embrace, send word to Father Vermek at the camp of Chudax, for I shall always be listening.