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Airandir exits stage left.

I must say, Airandir Calmcacil has finally met his end. I wanted to take a few moments to thank the players and DM’s who made his exit worth remembering. Airandir was my first character I rolled up since returning from my Iraq deployment, and was the first bard I have ever played. Airandir was nothing too signficant...a support player for the most part. However, I must stay he was among my favoriate characters so far. He was a bard who focused his bardspell on his scouting and archer abilities, which came in handy from time to time. The Seeker faction is my most favorite faction to play, and I would HIGHLY recommend it to any out there who desire a bit of Chaotic excitement.

For those of you who were not tracking Airandir’s story, he was a naive surface elf who came into the underdark in search for his family and friends who were taken as slaves by the drow. Airandir enlisted within the ranks of the Seekers in hopes of finding and freeing his family and friends from the clutches of the Drow.

Airandir was a strong supporter of having the Seeker reintegrated into Sanctuary, which he eventually achieved. It was his hopes that reintegration would mean more funding, which would increase the likelihood of finding is loved ones. However, levels of deceit are such within Sanctuary that he got side tracked by Montezzi’s, Ghyrrt, Spellguard, Drow, etc. :-D

Anywho…enclosed are some pics of the mass gathering of Seekers to discuss the reintegration. It was heated to say the least. Airandir is seen within one of them doing his best to relay his perspective.



This character was created on Friday, April 4th at 10:59:54 AM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 214 times. The character has spent 10 days, 7 hours, 7 minutes, and 53 seconds online.

Secrets revealed: Lewis is black!

Good on you Do'mare.

Aww, I was always hoping he'd find his family again :(

A grand character.

Airandir was a great character and I really enjoyed the brief conversations we had. Good work with the Seeker reintegration, a heavy presence has left the faction.

Secutor Secrets revealed: Lewis is black!

Good on you Do'mare.

Weird thing is I'm pretty sure I met him when I joined the seekers and he was like a pale white old man >.>

I loved Mourn being your wingman.

Our interactions were all like Top Gun

Goblin Butcher
Secutor Secrets revealed: Lewis is black!

Good on you Do'mare.

Weird thing is I'm pretty sure I met him when I joined the seekers and he was like a pale white old man >.>

Lewis just got a REALLY deep sun-tan. No further comment.

Cool character.

Garem Lewis just got a REALLY deep sun-tan.
And a badass 'stache.

So, another vet of the Montezzi Cold War dies off. . . just like so many others. . . and this Seeker actually fought in it.

Dang, we really need a little event where we bring our characters together who are (for some weird reason) are in the Fugue, weather it be stopping by to visit (hey, works for Sten), a False (I'm sure we had a few) or are just holding on to themselves just to hope for the scrape of a chance of being ressurected. (I'm sure we had some diehard characters on this server)

Luke Danger So, another vet of the Montezzi Cold War dies off. . . just like so many others. . . and this Seeker actually fought in it.

Dang, we really need a little event where we bring our characters together who are (for some weird reason) are in the Fugue, weather it be stopping by to visit (hey, works for Sten), a False (I'm sure we had a few) or are just holding on to themselves just to hope for the scrape of a chance of being ressurected. (I'm sure we had some diehard characters on this server)

An event similiar to this happened once as an endlude for the ooze worshiper who made it cool. I speak of Mandarin Dreagle of course!

Airandir was awesome!

Nice one Domare. The Seekers are a great faction, and Airandir lasted longer than some. *coughs*

Good luck with your next character!

Thanks everyone! Airandir was alot of fun to play and I really enjoyed playing my very first bard. I have another character already rolled up, so I will be sure to see you all IG.



Yeah, bards rock. Being able to make arcane healing wands is a great way to keep in cash, and a caster who can buff up them pull on medium is fun. I think I might roll a more fighty or sneaky bard next. But why'd you have to go get killed before Justan could buy some armour off you? That's just RUDE, man :P

Airandir was cool. We didn't have much contact, but I think I got to RP with you once or twice as Akhil, and I know I did as Kirix. It was fun.