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Kal the Druid. Fallen

This is making me feel even more like a noob.

Well, Kal's dead. I took quite a few screenies.

This is my 100th post, which is fitting, for the death of my second character. Kal.

Even moreso, than Trinden, I felt like I really enjoyed this server. There was quite a bit of drama in Kal's life, and I even actually cried at a few parts. Here are some screenies that I feel like sharing with all you EFU folks.

Being lectured by The Druids :roll:

Stalking people for no reason.

Kal like the Fight Nights at the Crone, and even took part in the boxing competition.

My first Deep Lurker!

Don't Ask.

Lol, Thomas.

Kals.... Powers. They were stolen! :cry: Damn Agents givingn him money.

Sleyph... why are you so mean? It was just an accident!

This is the begining of Kal's redemption, and death. I was incredibly satisfied with this ending.


Corruption and Evil. Here comes the drama. :cry:

This was an incredibly awesome moment. Hugging a dwarf never felt so good. Ty, Thomas!

So that's it, folks!

I apologize if there are any spoilers. I'm not so great at editing those things out. It's a wonder I can even post these.

My thanks goes out to Thomas, a Mr. Daemonic Daz, and the DMs.

To the DMs, I'd like to thank Mort the most, for the awesome ending. I'd also like to thank Wiggyboy for taking Kal's powers away. :roll: As it did inspire some awesome RP.

The rest of it goes to all you people who interacted with Kal.

Again. Rock on, EfU.

Will remember Kal for going around in rat form, leaving Rat Turds all over upper

Oh wait. I forgot to post this.

Kal (Crimson Magician)

This character was created on Monday, June 30th at 02:29:43 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 58 times. The character has spent 4 days, 18 hours, 24 minutes, and 58 seconds online.

post count +1 lolz

Never punch a lamp post unless you're willing to deal with the consequences.

Is nice character.

Awesome, imo, I have screenies of the results, but this comp doesn't like me atm

Winnie will think of Kal every time she torments a caged animal for the lulz.

A good ending to a brilliant character, I enjoyed every moment I was able to interact with Kal. Even when I had to shout and hate you! :D

Cant wait for your next character, make it a naturey type again and join the stewards!

Ah, now that he's dead, Craprat's secret identity can finally be safely revealed! :D Kal was always a cool char when I was playing Egon, especially in stealth rat form. A few times when I was talking and he ran up Egon's sleeve or dropped an item on him, causing a load of fun confusion. I just wished I could have caught him at it in game. I knew IC that he used a rat form, and I'd seen him leaving a room Craprat went into, so I was sooo close.

Gratz Crimson. It was interesting seeing your Druidic Bollocking from your point of view, as as far as Egon could tell there, Hafur and Sleyph were ranting at thin air.