The idea of this thread is for people with alter egos, nom de plumes and aliases to come clean and list them for purposes of disambiguation and nostalgia. Personally the server has been going so long I have difficulty remembering who people were or what they did. Even if you have only had one account, it would be nice to see what characters you have played. The format used below should serve as an example: just the login name, the characters played and a bare bones identifying sentence. There are a few things I would like this thread to entail:
1) The descriptive ½ line should really be that, just enough to make sure a casual reader can determine if that was indeed the character they remember, no three paragraph histories about the characters favourite soup.
2) Please only post characters you significantly played. Many people have vaults filled with characters that seemed like a good idea until after the hang over. We don’t want to know about the goblin cleric/sorc of Shar you played twice.
3) Don’t post any comments here please. This thread is ideally just for people to record their past brilliances, no need for OMGZ and +1's.
4) In case it wasn’t obvious, only your own secret accounts, not anyone else’s.
5) Feel free to update your admission page with your newest and coolest alts/characters, just update your first box, don’t make a second one.
Without further ado… --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scrappayeti: Frudoc L. Maynare. _______ Halfling ex-druid, killed by Zau. Jake the Whisker. _______ Human/wererat, led first trip to surface. Sebastian Cole. ________ Old human fella. Merrial Stootbackle. ______ Polite gnome mage and SG associate. Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. _ Human lower thug, nearly incomprehensible. John Muckdweller. ______ Slime worshiping drow cleric. Snuffler. ______________ Nervous and loud goblin. Nanien. ______________ Cheap elf ranger build everyone hated. Sorcha Bothain. _________ Red Skull barb.
Icy_Parapets: Aledrec of Yhaunn. _______ Reformist councilor cum public enemy no 1. Norman the Stick. ________ Fat elven mage. Yvonne Rhune. __________ Human Oghma worshiper and seeker. Shedyet Nebtawi. ________ Human shifter.
Roger Kint: Rob Blaggard. __________ Lower thug and court member of Montezzi. Gleena Harrow. _________ New Dunwarren human. Jacia Lyonaley ______________ Spellguard human.