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Condeming the Spider Attack

*posters has been places around the upper Sanctuary and around stairs, looking like this:*

added underneath

Rinaldo Montezzi was a man who did not have to die fighting the spider. He could have retreated and let others fight the fight. Why did he not?

Honor. Rinaldo Montezzi was too honorable to back down from this spider that was killing his subjects - the people of Lower. Despite the cruelty and arrogance of this man, he believed that it was the duty of a good ruler to staunchly defend, to the death, his lands and his people.

And so he did. Just as They knew he would. His courage and honor was his downfall, just as the machine-like and cold intent of those who created the monster foresaw it would be.

Yet another monster was created by Those who Unleashed the spider. That monster was Ghyrrt, a former servant of the Prince Rinaldo.

Prince Ghyrrt does not have the honor or the predictability that the Prince had. Prince Ghyrrt is not bound by any code of conduct and in time, he may acquire a force to rival that of the Prince Montezzi.

Those who created the spider, in their cold and machine-like planning, did not foresee that Ghyrrt would become a greater threat. They would've been better off had the Prince Rinaldo remained on his throne in Lower.

Prince Ghyrrt will not fall into a trap of Honor. Prince Ghyyrt will not show mercy and return corpses and prisoners to their loved ones. Prince Ghyrrt knows when to hide and when to strike. Prince Ghyrrt will become something Those who Sent the Spider truly rue, worse than they ever rued Rinaldo Montezzi.

Whoever sent the spider - and of course I'm not saying it was the Spellguard, because we all know the Spellguard is honest and honorable in all its dealings - must really hate the fact that they just ended up swapping one Prince for another, sneakier, one.


A woman in armor and helm of the Brotherhood of Ooze posts this, she does not respond to questions but does not try to hide herself either