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more Loot turnover

There seems to be a tremendous amount of loot floating about the server. I suggest that when someone dies in PvP, DMs are more liberal with deleting special items. Killing a Pc already yeilds a great deal more gold and consumables than a quest will, and it isn't much of a stretch to decide that some items had broken or been lost during the battle. Furthermore if a Pc had been given that item through surviving a really difficult DM quest, it really isn't fair in anyway for their killer (s) to accrue that benefit by drinking an accuracy potion and clicking knockdown. Or clicking a hold person wand. Or whatever.

a few things I have noticed :

One spiced flying chosen quest yielded a set of gloves that could summon a fire elemental with summon 4 once/day, aeons ago. I have now seen this glove on three different owners, to my recollection - and that is without making a point of looking for it, or tracking it. Loot like this just doesn't die, it gets endlessly recyled , with the end result of reducing server challenge in general.

Items like Warrior mind warding cloaks seemed rare almost to the point of nonexistance not long ago, now everyone has one

Checking selling posts in the forums seems to suggest that special items in general have become cheaper or more abundant.

The cumulative effect of use/day items becoming abundant and easy to get is cheaper survival for everyone. Because the entire party is affected positively when even one person has a use/day item.

I could be wrong, but I believe this has been happening more and more. Its great that Dms want to make 'em, but should be more willing to break 'em, in my opinion

I agree with you to a point. Certain items that are especially powerful and perhaps made for a certain character could be retired or removed when that character is gone. However, I do believe it is good for some items to gain their own stories as they pass from hand to hand. I think that items meant for only one person should be non-drop. Taking an item from another player because they aquired by some other means is "unfair". In this setting there's an inherant risk with having an item of power.

The philosophy varies from DM to DM, however, it has been discussed amongst the team and we've decided that it's desirable for there to be a handful of nice items floating around at any given time.

That said, the most powerful items will be restricted to very specific users and classes, tailored for specific PC's with OOC notes on them.

Before one of my recent characters died, I had engraved most of my desirable DM loot. Figured that might cause it to stand out in the general populace. ;)

Actually, it'd be cool if engraving was cheaper, so it was worth customising items more. It'd fit right in with EfU's big devotion to "flavour loot".

So, I haven't been IG as much for the last few weeks but just for the record, i've never seen one of the items you have listed. Maybe i'm hanging in the loot-poor groups but I wouldn't say they are "common" at all.

Sometimes it would be nice if people were to turn in special ‘named’ items (via a DM) to the faction leader or a person that the PC was close to. In the least this would let that faction or character (be they PC or NPC) know the person is dead (or gone). Or maybe the item may even be mounted or enshrined somehow for all to see.

For instance, whoever has “Rip’s Rippers” could give them to Cyrus so he can perhaps hang them from a post or wall in the fighting room of the Crone for all to see. Or Cyrus may just throw them away, but at least he would know Rip wasn’t going to be stepping into the ring again.

RIPnogarD Sometimes it would be nice if people were to turn in special ‘named’ items (via a DM) to the faction leader or a person that the PC was close to. In the least this would let that faction or character (be they PC or NPC) know the person is dead (or gone). Or maybe the item may even be mounted or enshrined somehow for all to see.

For instance, whoever has “Rip’s Rippers” could give them to Cyrus so he can perhaps hang them from a post or wall in the fighting room of the Crone for all to see. Or Cyrus may just throw them away, but at least he would know Rip wasn’t going to be stepping into the ring again.

Rolgar's Arena Axe is still out there and I would hate to see it "enshrined" anywhere. I just hope it falls to some hero some day because currently it is in the hands of a villain (the way it should be).

More CG Barbarian dwarves preeze. Anybody who ever faught alongside Rolgar knows it's worthwhile!

My “turn in” idea isn’t really for named items that almost anybody can use. It would be for the obviously made for a certain PC type of item. Some items have 3 or 4 prerequisites to meet to be able to use them. These would quite obviously be items that a DM meant for a specific PC and I feel turning them in should be an option. Perhaps it can be arranged that a person turning them in (to a DM) can be rewarded somehow. This would make it a little more IC enticing for a PC that has a DM loot specialty item to actually give it up.

1) It would keep the sever the way it was meant to be, clean of powerful magic items floating around. 2) It would IG/IC let people know when a special PC is gone instead of reading it on a So-and-so is dead thread without any real IG knowledge. (I hate it when PC’s disappear and their so-called friends ignore the fact that they have been missing for so long.) (I still want to know what happened to Ronus the Mithrilsoul!) 3) And last but not least it gives the DM’s the option of weather certain items can be left in play. i.e., they may both reward you and tell you to keep the item. (It’s not like it has to be taken out of play but it should be the DM’s choice, not the players.)

Just my personal opinion, but I feel the only way to find a character that would fit some of these 3 and 4 prereq items is through metagaming anyway, therefore passing them on should be frowned upon.

EDit 3: Never mind apparently they were destroyed after all!