To the elected leaders,
How do we see our city at the moment? Right now i will tell you what is see. Many citizens are unhappy. Sanctuary is becoming divided, Lower is no longer a district. It begins the building of a Temple to an unholy dragon that we are becoming more and more dependant on. And many in New Dunwarren are seeking seperation also. Our city is in crisis.
A turning away from the true gods is at the root of this. While i understand the dissent in New Dunwarren, i do not see the seperation as a wise course of action. Our city divided further, will only lend to weaken it by a break down in communication between our districts, a reluctance of the wealthy in New Dunwarren to lend their coin to the defense of the city and a disinterest of the pious warriors to protect anything but the Temple on the hill.
In these dire times i request that the goodly amoung you start to work with the Greycloaks on a long forgotten reunification treaty. It would be well and good for us to say, "lets just unite". But the residents of New Dunwarren are unhappy, the citizens of Old Santuary are unhappy, and the rulers of Lower are completely indefferent. I present the old treaty here for your consideration. Let those councilers that are concerned for the towns survival enter into discussions with the Greycloaks on what to keep, discard or add to it.
1. New Dunwarren is a district of Sanctuary, and recognizes that it is subject to Sanctuary law.2. The residents in New Dunwarren are citizens of Sanctuary.
3. Current property owners recognized in New Dunwarren will be recognized as property owners in Sanctuary. They are to be reminded they are subject to Sanctuary law.
4. Members of the Greycloaks will be given special consideration for Watch induction.
5. At least one Greycloak-made-Private will be given Leading Private status in the New Dunwarren area; effectively, a Sergeant in his domain and concerning the residents of New Dunwarren.
6. The toll gate will be disbanded; so long as New Dunwarren respects Sanctuary law and remains a part of the town, there will be no tolling of the hill.
7. The existing defensive gates of New Dunwarren will remain in place.
8. With the final approval of the Sheriff, each new-term council will appoint three magistrates who are recognized by the Temple of Tyr as residents of the New Dunwarren area. One of them will judge when a councilor stands trial; if no magistrate can be summoned in a timely fashion, the Sheriff will judge.
This is the old treaty copied verbatim. Some of the points have been met others have not. Below are some extra points i have heard raised and thought them goodly enough to mention here.
1) Laws of Sanctuary must accepted, that Greycloak Warden or Matron, Protector of New Dunwarren, be automatically in councilor position, without non-transparent "democratic" elections, murders and intrigues.2) Greycloak members must be in equivalent position as Watch, and have equal rights and privilege. In head, Greycloak Marshal in rank Watch lieutenant.
3) Sanctuary must accept Greycloak inquisition as legal office, with judge and execution authority, in questions of heresy and criminals.
4) The Temple of Tyr to be recognised as the head church of Sanctuary.
5) Extra taxes be applied to The Society of the Ordered Mind in the event that the Shadow Dragon disappears and the abberants of the Sandy Caverns assault Sanctuary more frequently.
I am not naive enough to think this matter can be resolved quickly and easily. Or that we shall definatly come to a satisfatory conclusion. But i believe if we are engaged in this discussion, and that the public knows that we are, then there is a good chance that spirits will lift and our districts would become united in our survival.
In the service of the gods,
Immacolata, Greycloak Matron.