With the recent Chosen raids, many of our adventuring class have taken it upon themselves to fight back against the invaders of Lower Sanctuary. This is a noble effort, and as the Chosen are certainly a threat to Sanctuary, in some ways I even commend them. But there is grave matter that is being overlooked by these charity warriors.
Lower Sanctuary is the alleged "kingdom" of the murderous Ghyrrt the goblin and his insane pupper Winnie. Ghyrrt's crimes are well known, from six counts of murder, raising illegal bounties against prominent figures of Sanctuary, including a Councilor an Agent and Sheriff Azzam, and destruction of public property. And then, there is Winnie. When she was captured and tried, the gentle Agent Symbaern and surprisingly merciful Councilor Kainth pardoned her of the most grievous crime of murder. She was found guilty of merely attempted murder and given a lenient exile. And now, she bites back at these gentle hands.
But they will not be gentle or merciful any longer.
Citizens! Do NOT aid these monsters! Do NOT fight the Chosen to defend their kingdom! Let it crumble beneath their feet, and let them be swallowed by the Chosen that loom below, waiting for the killing blow. Cease aiding our enemy! He is a goblin, a murderer, and the foe of all free men. His gnomish pet is an incurable case of insanity, and no less a murderer and a promise-breaker. Stop helping such fiends.
You may say that there are "innocents" below. Then bring them into the safety of our gates. No man is forced to live in Lower. If a man chooses to leave our city and sleep out on the Low Road, would you rush to his aid everytime the fool was attacked by umber hulks? There comes a time when we must concede others to their own follies. If hordes of Chosen knocking at your door won't bring someone to their senses, well, perhaps they belong in the domain of the Mad Prince and Princess.
Councilor Dentra