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Aggressive Chosen

I got a bit of a surprise today while roaming the sewers. I was hacking at rats when I noticed I was taking a large amount of damage. Then I realised I was being attacked by invisible Chosen. Wasn't sure if this issue was 1.69 related, but thought I'd post it.

Are these Chosen using a different model from Wererat?

NOTE: I could target them and attack them at will, but they had no corporeal bodies.

Those things happen from time to time, with various creatures. Not sure what's causing it.

It's on your own end, sadly!

It's caused by your appearance.2da override, since you probably have monster override or some override that was made for 1.68 that is conflicting with scaling for 1.69.

So- the fix is easy, delete your overrides and wait for their update to 1.69 :(

I don't think that this is the case here. I don't have the said file overridden and it still happens sometimes. I found that it's often back to normal after I relog.

EDIT: Ok, I think I have a different issue in mind.

its quite possible your client isn't picking up the appropriate skins for the monsters at that time for some reason. Unfortunately I have little idea how to fix, perhaps a complete reinstall?

He does not have any overrides on Wererats. He told us in IRC.

<PapaMidnite> I don't have anything in my override for wererats

I'm pretty sure any model override causes issues with seeing size-scaled monsters. Feel free to test this though.

It actually had something to do with a tail override I had installed. I don't even remember what I installed it for now, ha. Anyways, removing those files seems to have fixed it..at least partially.

One of the Chosen was stuck in a weird pose, but I'll have to fight them later and find out.

I had invisa-chosen too...I'll test the overide removal trick too

Teh Sedsarine >.>