I would be most interested to have you perform at the next FIGHT NIGHT scheduled at the Pissing Crone.
Singing and entertainment between the bouts would be especially welcome.
Wirite to me at the Crone.
Doisur Schor
I would be most interested to have you perform at the next FIGHT NIGHT scheduled at the Pissing Crone.
Singing and entertainment between the bouts would be especially welcome.
Wirite to me at the Crone.
Doisur Schor
[left behind the bar with Cyrus] An excellent offer. I'm seeking employment with Cyrus anyway, and another demonstration of my talents may help to gain some favour with him. I do songs, music, and tumbling, including dagger juggling.
I assume this is at the usual Crone rates of "keep the tips"? If so, would you have any objections to me using this as an opportunity to take orders for wands?
Let me know of the time and I'll confirm whether I can perform.
Yes feel free to advertise your wands. Keep an eye out for the Fight Night adverts.