2008-07-12 16:32:50 UTC
I've always considered the old tower shields 19lbs +3ac to actually be the Extreme large shield heralded in one of the supplementary books as an exotic feat. Now that they weigh 45lbs, like they were suppose to, it might be a time to consider making them have the qualities they used to in PnP. As it stands, people will likely not want to use these very often, due to the fact they will cripple your carrying capacity. Might as well take advantage of that, and make them somewhat interesting now.
A couple suggestions:
Give tower shields +1 ac (total of +4), and +2 Reflex saves. Tower shields have always had +4 base ac, and they allow the bearer cover vs AoE spells and the like. Though using a tower shield used to give a person a -2 ab on all attacks–due to the fact you're holding a heavy wooden door.
Since you could use a tower shield to grant cover to someone else, we could the shield the bonus feat: PurpleDragon Shielding ability. Which is +4 ac for this round. I have less faith in the balance this ability, but I figured I'd toss it out there anyway. That lack of faith stems from not knowing if using that ability prevents you from attacking (It should but...).
Make lighter weight tower shields more commonplace. As in, not all tower shields must be used to represent carrying a door, some could be slightly more manageable, and not as much AC (assuming you make tower shields +4 like they should be, these would only be +3) Thus being heavier then, but more similar to, the old NWN version of the shields.
Just a thought.
Goblin Butcher
2008-07-12 19:18:23 UTC
There is are two npc merchants that sell lightened tower shields currently in game!
2008-07-12 20:14:40 UTC
I'm aware of those two, however they are rather unique shops, and neither of those cater to the majority of the server. Unless more have been added into the city itself, my last part of the suggestion still stands. Its relevance to what I said prior still stands as well.
Anyway, think about the merits of the suggestion (if any), and gab about it.
2008-07-12 21:54:36 UTC
+3 AC for 45 lbs cannot stand. Something needs to be done! Rabblerabblerabble...
2008-07-13 15:10:57 UTC
EbokGive tower shields +1 ac (total of +4), and +2 Reflex saves. Tower shields have always had +4 base ac, and they allow the bearer cover vs AoE spells and the like. Though using a tower shield used to give a person a -2 ab on all attacks–due to the fact you're holding a heavy wooden door.
A tower shield won't protect you if you step on a fire/electrical trap, or if you are hit by a lighting spell. And I don't think it should decrease your attack score either, since you are attacking with your other arm, not the one that is holding the shield.
2008-07-13 15:28:15 UTC
EbokGive tower shields +1 ac (total of +4), and +2 Reflex saves.
I'm trying to figure out how carrying a "door" would give you a +2 to Reflex....I'm thinking if anything it should give you a -2 as you would not be as quick on your feet or as nimble dodgeing that trap.
Just a question, otherwise I like the idea of giving the Tower Shield a little more ooph. Make them at least worth the weight.
2008-07-13 16:12:38 UTC
Not +2 reflex in the sense that you can dodge traps and such, but +2 reflex in that you would get hit less from an explosion or other area of effect thing.
2008-07-14 00:06:01 UTC
PnP stuff
Shield, Tower: This massive wooden shield is nearly as tall as you are. In most situations, it provides the indicated shield bonus to your AC. However, you can instead use it as total cover, though you must give up your attacks to do so. The shield does not, however, provide cover against targeted spells; a spellcaster can cast a spell on you by targeting the shield you are holding. You cannot bash with a tower shield, nor can you use your shield hand for anything else.When employing a tower shield in combat, you take a –2 penalty on attack rolls because of the shield’s encumbrance.
The +2 reflex, is not suggesting you are quicker, but that the door might have had a chance to shield you from the boom. Take it or leave it, I don't care.
PnP Stuff
Total Cover: If you don’t have line of effect to your target he is considered to have total cover from you. You can’t make an attack against a target that has total cover.Cover and Reflex Saves: Cover grants you a +2 bonus on Reflex saves against attacks that originate or burst out from a point on the other side of the cover from you. Note that spread effects can extend around corners and thus negate this cover bonus.
Which would negate just about every time you'd roll a reflex save in NWN, so it would likely be too much of a stretch to give the shields the bonus. Oh well, feel free to suggest alternatives if you think of one.
2008-07-14 00:27:25 UTC
Is there any way to make it +2 Reflex v Spells? Or add some sort of similar property, rather than putting on the benefit that will affect traps was well.
Goblin Butcher
2008-07-14 01:08:44 UTC
Don't forget to add -2 ab
Egon the Monkey
2008-07-14 07:37:50 UTC
That would let you identify spells much too easily.
Could you add maybe 5% or less Concealment instead to represent cover?
2008-07-14 12:49:57 UTC
Is there any way to make it +2 Reflex v Spells? Or add some sort of similar property, rather than putting on the benefit that will affect traps was well.
+10 spell craft?
Sadly, I believe that only applies to actual points in the skill. Just like Tumble, bonuses to Spellcraft don't increase the Save bonuses. Only points spent at level up do.
2008-07-14 12:54:48 UTC
Spellcraft is based on any points you have not just those taken at level -up. So an item with +10 spellcraft would give you +2 saves v's spells.
2008-07-14 12:56:04 UTC
Not sure how this would work, but maybe a scripted concealment bonus that goes away when the character is moving or attacking. It would be an On Use/Unlimited per day. This would represent the character standing still creating an effective barrier.
I'm pretty sure 100% concealment isn't possible in the engine... but if the character were granted 50% it might lead to interesting new tactics.
For instance, three or four fighters in Tower Shields could form a true line, and while they wouldn't be doing any damage, they'd be taking much less and preventing melee mobs from getting to squishier party members. Then archers and such could fight in relative safety.
Egon the Monkey
2008-07-14 12:58:32 UTC
Shield wall, eh?
*puts on Spartan Helm*
THis sounds a lot like this skill so it seems do-able for the DMs.
2008-07-14 13:02:49 UTC
Well, shield walls are essentially what people try to do now, but usually end up chugging potions to stay up while people behind them take down the enemy.
2008-07-14 23:09:35 UTC
The biggest PITA is that we'd have to go back through the loot vault and modify all Towershields to feature whatever new addition it's deemed that they need.
2008-07-15 00:47:04 UTC
How bout they just be removed entirely! Have Chosen steal them all to create some... Tower Shield Golem... or something.
2008-07-15 05:48:30 UTC
Maybe the ones found on quests are damaged shields without the property- until someone gets up the gumption to make the adjustments? Or have an IG fix– maybe some smith developed some secret technique and makes a name for himself through the crafting of such?
or maybe you should ask someone to volunteer for said grunt work.