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PROTECTED PLAYER will have the Game shut down because he outted me. I hope that you are all happy. My Account was deleted.


Praise Lolth.

Death to babies.

Seriously, wtf?

core Huh?

I'm just making a guess, but it seems his account was deleted and he believes it's because someone found out he was gay.

Or bisexual. Or black. Or something.

The second part I part-ially (haha) understand, but the first doesn't make much sense...

Really not getting the meaning of this.

I'm not sure what the purpose of this thread is, so I am locking it. Please send us an e-mail at escapefromunderdark@gmail.com explaining your problem in detail and we'll deal with it. Thank you!

Logs Ellin Nottia ( # O... to EfU) [TL]: Meet me out at the Inbetween >> PROTECTED PLAYER

[2008-07-09 19:02:29 (16h 2m 26.20s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...nctuary) [TK]: Hello ---- hunny

[2008-07-09 19:02:29 (16h 2m 26.20s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...nctuary) [TK]: how about we get a room some where? [2008-07-09 19:02:44 (16h 2m 41.34s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...nctuary) [TK]: i think i need a sit [2008-07-09 19:02:44 (16h 2m 41.34s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...nctuary) [TK]: MMMM yummy [2008-07-09 19:03:29 (16h 3m 26.103s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...nctuary) [TK]: Lily [2008-07-09 19:05:14 (17h 0m 11.199s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: No Chairs [2008-07-09 19:05:14 (17h 0m 11.199s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: this day has made very littel sense [2008-07-09 19:05:14 (17h 0m 11.199s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: i die i return from the grave [2008-07-09 19:05:29 (17h 0m 26.203s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc I was reborn an Elf [2008-07-09 19:05:44 (17h 0m 41.206s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: man what a day i realy just need to stand and think things out [2008-07-09 19:05:59 (17h 0m 56.219s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// reborn an elf dont tell the dms that [2008-07-09 19:06:14 (17h 1m 11.223s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc btw I mage Fighter [2008-07-09 19:06:29 (17h 1m 26.266s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// you mean a battle mage? [2008-07-09 19:06:29 (17h 1m 26.266s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: yep [2008-07-09 19:06:44 (17h 1m 41.279s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: so elin how are you? [2008-07-09 19:06:59 (17h 1m 56.303s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: fine Mezu evolved [2008-07-09 19:07:14 (17h 2m 11.326s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: Want to see her [2008-07-09 19:07:14 (17h 2m 11.326s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: She misses you [2008-07-09 19:07:29 (17h 2m 26.359s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: I need a lisence 2008-07-09 19:07:29 (17h 2m 26.359s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: what that strange pet you have? [2008-07-09 19:07:44 (17h 2m 41.383s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: She A dragon No [2008-07-09 19:07:59 (17h 2m 56.396s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: yeah sure shoot [2008-07-09 19:07:59 (17h 2m 56.396s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: like a creture like that [2008-07-09 19:08:14 (17h 3m 11.408s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: What AN IMP [2008-07-09 19:08:14 (17h 3m 11.408s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: OMG ITS it a undead beast!! [2008-07-09 19:08:14 (17h 3m 11.408s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: NOOOOO [2008-07-09 19:08:44 (17h 3m 41.454s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: oo// you have to remmber that in efu that they changed the pets and such [2008-07-09 19:08:59 (17h 3m 56.477s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: Say bye bye [2008-07-09 19:09:29 (17h 4m 26.494s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: MMM strong [2008-07-09 19:09:29 (17h 4m 26.494s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: what is? [2008-07-09 19:09:29 (17h 4m 26.494s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: you [2008-07-09 19:09:29 (17h 4m 26.494s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: not realy [2008-07-09 19:09:44 (17h 4m 41.538s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: 7 undead manged to defet me [2008-07-09 19:09:44 (17h 4m 41.538s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: We know each other how long now [2008-07-09 19:09:59 (17h 4m 56.601s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: about 3 darks i think [2008-07-09 19:10:14 (18h 0m 11.629s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: 3 darks is a long time [2008-07-09 19:10:29 (18h 0m 26.653s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: I'm tired .....are you? [2008-07-09 19:10:29 (18h 0m 26.653s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: true in this place it is i have been here about oohhh 7 darks [2008-07-09 19:10:44 (18h 0m 41.686s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: littel slepy


[2008-07-09 19:13:30 (18h 3m 26.827s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: So If you don't want me to leave then what shall we DO? [2008-07-09 19:13:45 (18h 3m 41.850s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: haha what do you want to do? [2008-07-09 19:14:00 (18h 3m 56.864s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: Turn a SG to stone [2008-07-09 19:14:15 (18h 4m 11.917s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: then BLOW HER UP


[2008-07-09 19:14:45 (18h 4m 41.994s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: I know another way to have fun [2008-07-09 19:15:00 (18h 4m 57.8s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: oh what is that? [2008-07-09 19:15:15 (19h 0m 12.31s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: hehehe [2008-07-09 19:15:30 (19h 0m 27.84s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: hahaha you do have a nice body [2008-07-09 19:15:30 (19h 0m 27.84s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: your turn [2008-07-09 19:15:45 (19h 0m 42.107s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: haha [2008-07-09 19:16:00 (19h 0m 57.181s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: I'm not joking [2008-07-09 19:16:15 (19h 1m 12.184s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: It's your turn

[2008-07-09 19:16:15 (19h 1m 12.184s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// no offence but neevr rp like this before unless you account runescape [2008-07-09 19:16:45 (19h 1m 42.191s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc I played runscape once [2008-07-09 19:17:00 (19h 1m 57.234s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// we all did [2008-07-09 19:17:15 (19h 2m 12.288s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// it was pretty much an online sex game for kids [2008-07-09 19:17:30 (19h 2m 27.311s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc RUIN SCAPE [2008-07-09 19:17:45 (19h 2m 42.334s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// oh man we should stop people get banned for this stuff [2008-07-09 19:18:00 (19h 2m 57.357s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// and i havent rped like this for months [2008-07-09 19:18:00 (19h 2m 57.357s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc ok enough boly elf girl [2008-07-09 19:18:30 (19h 3m 27.373s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// may thanks who ever control this pc [2008-07-09 19:18:45 (19h 3m 42.455s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc you or me [2008-07-09 19:19:00 (19h 3m 57.459s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// what do you mean? [2008-07-09 19:19:00 (19h 3m 57.459s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc this PC???


[2008-07-09 19:19:45 (19h 4m 42.588s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc oh stop ya flirt [2008-07-09 19:20:15 (20h 0m 12.612s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// not realy [2008-07-09 19:20:30 (20h 0m 27.615s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc oh ok 2008-07-09 19:20:30 (20h 0m 27.615s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// am just a reguler rp like everyone els [2008-07-09 19:20:45 (20h 0m 42.638s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc DO GIRLS LIKE ME ACTUALLY PLAY NWN [2008-07-09 19:21:15 (20h 1m 12.704s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// hold the phone your a real female! [2008-07-09 19:21:30 (20h 1m 27.717s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ///ooc HAHAHAHAHA GOTCHA [2008-07-09 19:21:45 (20h 1m 42.770s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ///ooc NO [2008-07-09 19:22:00 (20h 1m 57.783s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc I had you there for a second [2008-07-09 19:22:16 (20h 2m 12.806s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// not realy [2008-07-09 19:22:46 (20h 2m 42.883s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// but well played [2008-07-09 19:22:46 (20h 2m 42.883s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ///ooc And I'm PROUD [2008-07-09 19:23:01 (20h 2m 57.966s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: course i will have to report you [2008-07-09 19:23:01 (20h 2m 57.966s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc JUST NOT LOUD [2008-07-09 19:23:16 (20h 3m 12.979s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ///oc huh? [2008-07-09 19:23:16 (20h 3m 12.979s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// mean doing what you did is a very large rule breaking 19:23:31 (20h 3m 28.32s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// dont worrie am saveing all the convo and takeing pics [2008-07-09 19:23:31 (20h 3m 28.32s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ///ooc oh okay [2008-07-09 19:24:01 (20h 3m 58.108s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc I thought that you were a nice guy [2008-07-09 19:24:01 (20h 3m 58.108s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// i will get this to a dm

[2008-07-09 19:26:31 (21h 1m 28.309s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ---- REPORTED ME [2008-07-09 19:26:46 (21h 1m 43.313s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc BECAUSE I@M GAY

PM From: Elin To: DangerousDan Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:35 am Subject: DISCRIMINATION Quote message Why is it that you MEN have a problem with ME. I don't think it fair or just to OUT someone in RP He came onto me! He said that he was bi and that he would report me to the DM

I have reported this Harrasment to BIOWARE. That is why I ATTACKED Citizens..... for that I am truely sorry.

Email I don't think that it is very friendly to spy on someone to CHEAT LIE ANDTHE REST I will be reporting your module to nwn.bioware.com because of PROTECTED PLAYER outed me

Application for SG 1. Account name: Elin (right now and tomorrow afternoon from 2pm) 2. Character Name: Elin Nottias 3. Info: Diety unsure, Neutral Good, Human, Mage 4. I am applying to become a Spellguard 5. To protect the city from harm. There will be other players involved. PROTECTED PLAYER is his Account name (PROTECTED PLAYER) If I am accepted then there will be a variety of goals that will be met and the DM will more than likely not have to intervene. I would say that If I (Elin Nottias) was to become a Spellguard then we would see a whole different side to Sanctuary, The fun of it all My self and a few other players have talked about this OOC and In Character. Yes I hope that I become a Spellguard. Otherwise this entire plan goes out the window.

Unfortunately we're going to have to put on a stopper on discussion about your app because you're going to be banned for not being gay, but rather for attempting to circumvent our rules regarding cybor-sex and various anti-cheat measures.

Good luck with your report on us to Bioware, though I sincerely hope you drop the charges against us.