PROTECTED PLAYER will have the Game shut down because he outted me. I hope that you are all happy. My Account was deleted.
Praise Lolth.
Death to babies.
Seriously, wtf?
core Huh?
I'm just making a guess, but it seems his account was deleted and he believes it's because someone found out he was gay.
Or bisexual. Or black. Or something.
The second part I part-ially (haha) understand, but the first doesn't make much sense...
Really not getting the meaning of this.
I'm not sure what the purpose of this thread is, so I am locking it. Please send us an e-mail at explaining your problem in detail and we'll deal with it. Thank you!
Logs Ellin Nottia ( # O... to EfU) [TL]: Meet me out at the Inbetween >> PROTECTED PLAYER[2008-07-09 19:02:29 (16h 2m 26.20s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...nctuary) [TK]: Hello ---- hunny
[2008-07-09 19:02:29 (16h 2m 26.20s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...nctuary) [TK]: how about we get a room some where? [2008-07-09 19:02:44 (16h 2m 41.34s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...nctuary) [TK]: i think i need a sit [2008-07-09 19:02:44 (16h 2m 41.34s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...nctuary) [TK]: MMMM yummy [2008-07-09 19:03:29 (16h 3m 26.103s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...nctuary) [TK]: Lily [2008-07-09 19:05:14 (17h 0m 11.199s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: No Chairs [2008-07-09 19:05:14 (17h 0m 11.199s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: this day has made very littel sense [2008-07-09 19:05:14 (17h 0m 11.199s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: i die i return from the grave [2008-07-09 19:05:29 (17h 0m 26.203s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc I was reborn an Elf [2008-07-09 19:05:44 (17h 0m 41.206s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: man what a day i realy just need to stand and think things out [2008-07-09 19:05:59 (17h 0m 56.219s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// reborn an elf dont tell the dms that [2008-07-09 19:06:14 (17h 1m 11.223s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc btw I mage Fighter [2008-07-09 19:06:29 (17h 1m 26.266s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// you mean a battle mage? [2008-07-09 19:06:29 (17h 1m 26.266s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: yep [2008-07-09 19:06:44 (17h 1m 41.279s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: so elin how are you? [2008-07-09 19:06:59 (17h 1m 56.303s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: fine Mezu evolved [2008-07-09 19:07:14 (17h 2m 11.326s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: Want to see her [2008-07-09 19:07:14 (17h 2m 11.326s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: She misses you [2008-07-09 19:07:29 (17h 2m 26.359s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: I need a lisence 2008-07-09 19:07:29 (17h 2m 26.359s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: what that strange pet you have? [2008-07-09 19:07:44 (17h 2m 41.383s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: She A dragon No [2008-07-09 19:07:59 (17h 2m 56.396s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: yeah sure shoot [2008-07-09 19:07:59 (17h 2m 56.396s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: like a creture like that [2008-07-09 19:08:14 (17h 3m 11.408s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: What AN IMP [2008-07-09 19:08:14 (17h 3m 11.408s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: OMG ITS it a undead beast!! [2008-07-09 19:08:14 (17h 3m 11.408s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: NOOOOO [2008-07-09 19:08:44 (17h 3m 41.454s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: oo// you have to remmber that in efu that they changed the pets and such [2008-07-09 19:08:59 (17h 3m 56.477s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: Say bye bye [2008-07-09 19:09:29 (17h 4m 26.494s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: MMM strong [2008-07-09 19:09:29 (17h 4m 26.494s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: what is? [2008-07-09 19:09:29 (17h 4m 26.494s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: you [2008-07-09 19:09:29 (17h 4m 26.494s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: not realy [2008-07-09 19:09:44 (17h 4m 41.538s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: 7 undead manged to defet me [2008-07-09 19:09:44 (17h 4m 41.538s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: We know each other how long now [2008-07-09 19:09:59 (17h 4m 56.601s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: about 3 darks i think [2008-07-09 19:10:14 (18h 0m 11.629s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: 3 darks is a long time [2008-07-09 19:10:29 (18h 0m 26.653s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: I'm tired .....are you? [2008-07-09 19:10:29 (18h 0m 26.653s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: true in this place it is i have been here about oohhh 7 darks [2008-07-09 19:10:44 (18h 0m 41.686s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: littel slepy
[2008-07-09 19:13:30 (18h 3m 26.827s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: So If you don't want me to leave then what shall we DO? [2008-07-09 19:13:45 (18h 3m 41.850s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: haha what do you want to do? [2008-07-09 19:14:00 (18h 3m 56.864s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: Turn a SG to stone [2008-07-09 19:14:15 (18h 4m 11.917s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: then BLOW HER UP
[2008-07-09 19:14:45 (18h 4m 41.994s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: I know another way to have fun [2008-07-09 19:15:00 (18h 4m 57.8s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: oh what is that? [2008-07-09 19:15:15 (19h 0m 12.31s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: hehehe [2008-07-09 19:15:30 (19h 0m 27.84s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: hahaha you do have a nice body [2008-07-09 19:15:30 (19h 0m 27.84s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: your turn [2008-07-09 19:15:45 (19h 0m 42.107s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: haha [2008-07-09 19:16:00 (19h 0m 57.181s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: I'm not joking [2008-07-09 19:16:15 (19h 1m 12.184s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: It's your turn
[2008-07-09 19:16:15 (19h 1m 12.184s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// no offence but neevr rp like this before unless you account runescape [2008-07-09 19:16:45 (19h 1m 42.191s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc I played runscape once [2008-07-09 19:17:00 (19h 1m 57.234s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// we all did [2008-07-09 19:17:15 (19h 2m 12.288s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// it was pretty much an online sex game for kids [2008-07-09 19:17:30 (19h 2m 27.311s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc RUIN SCAPE [2008-07-09 19:17:45 (19h 2m 42.334s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// oh man we should stop people get banned for this stuff [2008-07-09 19:18:00 (19h 2m 57.357s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// and i havent rped like this for months [2008-07-09 19:18:00 (19h 2m 57.357s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc ok enough boly elf girl [2008-07-09 19:18:30 (19h 3m 27.373s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// may thanks who ever control this pc [2008-07-09 19:18:45 (19h 3m 42.455s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc you or me [2008-07-09 19:19:00 (19h 3m 57.459s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// what do you mean? [2008-07-09 19:19:00 (19h 3m 57.459s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc this PC???
[2008-07-09 19:19:45 (19h 4m 42.588s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc oh stop ya flirt [2008-07-09 19:20:15 (20h 0m 12.612s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// not realy [2008-07-09 19:20:30 (20h 0m 27.615s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc oh ok 2008-07-09 19:20:30 (20h 0m 27.615s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// am just a reguler rp like everyone els [2008-07-09 19:20:45 (20h 0m 42.638s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc DO GIRLS LIKE ME ACTUALLY PLAY NWN [2008-07-09 19:21:15 (20h 1m 12.704s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// hold the phone your a real female! [2008-07-09 19:21:30 (20h 1m 27.717s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ///ooc HAHAHAHAHA GOTCHA [2008-07-09 19:21:45 (20h 1m 42.770s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ///ooc NO [2008-07-09 19:22:00 (20h 1m 57.783s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc I had you there for a second [2008-07-09 19:22:16 (20h 2m 12.806s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// not realy [2008-07-09 19:22:46 (20h 2m 42.883s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// but well played [2008-07-09 19:22:46 (20h 2m 42.883s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ///ooc And I'm PROUD [2008-07-09 19:23:01 (20h 2m 57.966s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: course i will have to report you [2008-07-09 19:23:01 (20h 2m 57.966s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc JUST NOT LOUD [2008-07-09 19:23:16 (20h 3m 12.979s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ///oc huh? [2008-07-09 19:23:16 (20h 3m 12.979s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// mean doing what you did is a very large rule breaking 19:23:31 (20h 3m 28.32s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// dont worrie am saveing all the convo and takeing pics [2008-07-09 19:23:31 (20h 3m 28.32s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ///ooc oh okay [2008-07-09 19:24:01 (20h 3m 58.108s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc I thought that you were a nice guy [2008-07-09 19:24:01 (20h 3m 58.108s)] PROTECTED PLAYER (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ooc// i will get this to a dm
[2008-07-09 19:26:31 (21h 1m 28.309s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: ---- REPORTED ME [2008-07-09 19:26:46 (21h 1m 43.313s)] Ellin Nottia (Dunw...t Stand) [TK]: //ooc BECAUSE I@M GAY
PM From: Elin To: DangerousDan Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:35 am Subject: DISCRIMINATION Quote message Why is it that you MEN have a problem with ME. I don't think it fair or just to OUT someone in RP He came onto me! He said that he was bi and that he would report me to the DMI have reported this Harrasment to BIOWARE. That is why I ATTACKED Citizens..... for that I am truely sorry.
Email I don't think that it is very friendly to spy on someone to CHEAT LIE ANDTHE REST I will be reporting your module to because of PROTECTED PLAYER outed me
Application for SG 1. Account name: Elin (right now and tomorrow afternoon from 2pm) 2. Character Name: Elin Nottias 3. Info: Diety unsure, Neutral Good, Human, Mage 4. I am applying to become a Spellguard 5. To protect the city from harm. There will be other players involved. PROTECTED PLAYER is his Account name (PROTECTED PLAYER) If I am accepted then there will be a variety of goals that will be met and the DM will more than likely not have to intervene. I would say that If I (Elin Nottias) was to become a Spellguard then we would see a whole different side to Sanctuary, The fun of it all My self and a few other players have talked about this OOC and In Character. Yes I hope that I become a Spellguard. Otherwise this entire plan goes out the window.
Unfortunately we're going to have to put on a stopper on discussion about your app because you're going to be banned for not being gay, but rather for attempting to circumvent our rules regarding cybor-sex and various anti-cheat measures.
Good luck with your report on us to Bioware, though I sincerely hope you drop the charges against us.