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Massacre of Children

I implore the warriors who go to wage war to restrain their hatred and bloodlust. Drow children are not responsible for their upbringing. They can change. They can be taught different ways - but not if they are murdured.

War, and fighting, is unavoidable. It can even be glorious and honorable. The slaughter of helpless young is MURDUR. It is a vile, disgusting, indefensible act. By this act, not only do you condemn these young drow to eternity in the Hell of the spiderqueen - but you also condemn yourself. You condemn yourself by becoming the very heartless creature you claim to hate. You indulge your hatred to the point of slaying children and become slaves again - slaves to Hatred, a more implacable master than any drow or illithid.

There is a future for the drow children that are left parentless in this war. There is a goddess who cares for these children and would have her worshippers show them a better life. These drow children can have the glorious radiance of the moon rise in their hearts and become forces of goodness, righteousness, and honor.

Do not Murdur the possibility of redemption! Let the children live!

[Citizens can be seen scrawling various messages...]

"Shut up, Drow Lover!"

"Kill them all, even the babies!"

"Ain't no such thing as a Good Drow!"