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Kirix, the lovable kobold waiter and cleaner from the Crone, part-time explorer and singer of terrible songs, has passed on to the next life. I have a ton of screenshots, but I figured I'd post those I can get away with easily first. I had a lot of fun playing this character, and even got what I'd consider a good death (although I was really hoping he'd get to make the escape).

Thanks to everyone I interacted with for making him a fun character to play. I loved all the various plots and RP sessions I got into.

Here's his EFUSL info:

This character was created on Wednesday, May 21st at 10:08:05 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 296 times. The character has spent 10 days, 1 hour, 5 minutes, and 10 seconds online.

And now, the screenies, in no particular order.

Kirix's Towel, pretty cool loot, imo.

Kirix was a big hit with the ladies.

Not such a big hit with Sergeant Blackbeard.

Go figure, Deep Gnomes don't like kobolds much, either. At least they have a cool way of saying it.

Kirix's abiding hatred of Duergar led to at least one amusing situation.

Many might not know this, but the Spellguard helped Kirix out at one point, testing him for enthrallment.

Trying to learn to be good.

That is one -grizzled- private.

KEERAX had a big fan.

Rope swings and Seekers don't mix well.

Here's a mugshot.

DM <3

Kirix was fond of singing, but even more fond of the nice slave lady who raised him and taught him about Shaundakul.

Kirix loved to explore.

Sad he had to go, but it's cool if it was a nice death. Cool pc!

Real men fight rats naked.

An interesting character, as far as I can tell. I just wish I got to see more of him. That last day was a blast ;)

(I had to turn up contrast a bit so it might look a bit weird. The art of taking decent screenshots mid-fight alludes me.)

DAMN! My bard wanted to see the Shadow Tribe city with him.

That svirf ripped off star trek voyager and star trek voyager prolly ripped that off some old native American thing!

I liked Kirix though despite my usual hatred for non evil monsters.

Great character. We had some good times together.

:( How I loved Kirix. A pity that I missed his end.

Goblin Butcher That svirf ripped off star trek voyager and star trek voyager prolly ripped that off some old native American thing!

*sighs* Thank you, Internet. Fable as old as the hills and the first thought is "OMG THAT WAS ON STAR TREK!" :lol: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scorpion_and_the_Frog

Wow. Looks like I was one of the last people to see him alive. :(

I liked that guy. He was hilarious.

I am sad. Kirix rocked out hard.

ha ha kee rax


There once was a Kobold. Who wanted be so good and bold. Who wanted to be nice, and help travelers on the road. He was nice, true to the end, and never cold. Goodbye Kirix, the wonderfully cute Kobold!

no kirix stop bleeding kirix noo

Sad to see Kirix go, he was a epic character.

Hope you had a decent ending

Gah. I just met him. Glad you had fun with him, though!

Kirix was a lot of fun to interact with, great character!!

*Blinks.* If he lived any longer, he probably would have been a Seeker.

:( Kirix was a great character! well played! He will be missed.

I should have ate him when I had the chance.

Kirix was one of the first PC's I met. He was a great sorce of intertainment and information (on Lower).

He will be missed. I was looking forward to our trip over the big water together. (I just about have enough gold for us to go too.... Oh well.)

Can't wait to see your next character, thanks for the great memories and wonderful RP.

Here is a decent version of Kirix's background, this is also his first encounter with a Seeker. He had arranged the meeting through a friend, who died to spiders on the way to the meeting location. When Kirix arrived alone, the Seeker was understandably skeptical about what had happened to his contact.

This backstory might be a little bit cliche, but I thought it was a decent attempt at explaining why Kirix was not evil like the rest of his race. He ended up being just barely on the good side of the border between neutral and evil. Sometimes his kobold heritage got the best of him, despite his attempts to surround himself with good people and live up to the promise.

I love the way Kirix talked. He was like Deekin, but more awesome, and less annoying.

Real nice background imo.

Tyrael I love the way Kirix talked. He was like Deekin, but more awesome, and less annoying.

*in a pixel-perfect imitation* Deekin?


Yeah, I really wished I got a chance for Danger to meet Kirix, Danger all ways said that there's some good in every race, the trick is to find it and help it spread.

I really think Kirix was one of the best kobolds ever in this server. He pwned Shadow Tribe in RP!

Kirix's story made my eyes tear up a little bit.

Kirix was the sex.