Kirix, the lovable kobold waiter and cleaner from the Crone, part-time explorer and singer of terrible songs, has passed on to the next life. I have a ton of screenshots, but I figured I'd post those I can get away with easily first. I had a lot of fun playing this character, and even got what I'd consider a good death (although I was really hoping he'd get to make the escape).
Thanks to everyone I interacted with for making him a fun character to play. I loved all the various plots and RP sessions I got into.
Here's his EFUSL info:
This character was created on Wednesday, May 21st at 10:08:05 PM. Since creation, this character has logged on and off 296 times. The character has spent 10 days, 1 hour, 5 minutes, and 10 seconds online.
And now, the screenies, in no particular order.
Kirix's Towel, pretty cool loot, imo.
Kirix was a big hit with the ladies.
Not such a big hit with Sergeant Blackbeard.
Go figure, Deep Gnomes don't like kobolds much, either. At least they have a cool way of saying it.
Kirix's abiding hatred of Duergar led to at least one amusing situation.
Many might not know this, but the Spellguard helped Kirix out at one point, testing him for enthrallment.
That is one -grizzled- private.
Rope swings and Seekers don't mix well.
Kirix was fond of singing, but even more fond of the nice slave lady who raised him and taught him about Shaundakul.