THE HOUSE MONTEZZI COMBAT TACTICS BOOKThis will be a book composed by the members of the entire house on combat tactics. This book is relating to everything regaurding TEAM combat, not solo combat.
We will be exploring the different roles of combat. Should you not know which of these you fall into, then this guide is far to advanced for you.
FRONT LINER This is simple, and very self explanatory. All front liners should keep them selves close to each other. Generally this is accomplished by standing in a line, as to not be flanked and surrounded. The Front Liners should have some basic defensive items or potions on them, as well as some self healing. The battle healer is not always aware of your injuries, or just might be over taxed trying to heal people in mid combat. Front Liners are traditionally those in heavy armor with a shield.
FLANKER A flanker is also pretty self explanatory, but has a big job to keep. Flankers are the ones who traditionally do the most melee damage in a group setting. Their job is to, when the Fronliners take position and the first of the enemies approach the line, to move in from the sides and flank the enemy. They will also act of supporting front liners, should one go down. And finally, they are the ones that chase after any enemy that would breach the line and head for the ranged people. Flankers are traditionally those that wield two handed weapons, or duel wield. Medium armor or better is recommended, you may and will take hit from your enemies.
RANGED Ranged personnel are those that fight with a bow, crossbow or any other missile style weapon. The main function of these people are to first take out the opposing magic wielders (Top priority), and ranged enemies. Once these enemies are downed, they will assist in the take down of those enemies pounding the front line. At no time, unless very close to death, should a ranged personnel run from an enemy that has broken through the line while in battle formation. It is the job of the Flankers to break contact with the front line and come back to dispatch this enemy. Running will only create unnecessary chaos int he back ranks, and can disolve an entire formation. Ranged members will not engage the front line untill either all opposing ranged members are eliminated, or the front line is secured by the front liners, which ever happens last. Ranged personnel should have enough ammunition to last them. This is determined by that person.
MAGIC THROWERS Magic throwers are the mages that can do massive amounts of damage, but only ever so often. Or they can run through the combat invisibly and buff their fellow teamates. It tends to be up to the magic wielder himself. Offensive Magic Throwers will wait untill the given oppertunity to unleash their full power. It is imperative, and can be deadly if not followed, to conserve their most powerful spells for the more powerful enemies. When you fight weak opponents, conserve. They should never be the ones to initiate a combat, unless approved through the front liners first, and should always focus on either the enemy magic wielder, or the next most powerful enemy. Defensive Magic wielders will wade themselves through combat, buffing and healing fellow team mates at critical points. This of course comes to the mage with experience and time honing his craft. Magic wielders tend to be frail, and easily taken out. They should always have invisibility on stand by.
BATTLE HEALERS A battle healer is the one who will run through deadly combat to keep his team mates alive, usually at all costs. They will use a combination of spell, item, and technology to keep their people alive, healthy and fighting. The should start in the back lines at the beginning of combat, if they themselves dont use weapons. if they do, they will be pulling double duty as a flanker. They should never be a front liner unless there is no other alternative. These tend to be the more important people in a group. Most Battle Healers tend to be preists, and those adept with healing items and herbalism.
SCOUT The Scout is the person that will scout ahead to gather vital intelligence about the enemy that is about to be faced. But this is far from all they do. They also search for traps, act as a flanker or ranged, and can when necessary wade through combat unseen to assassinate a key member of the opposition. Scouts tend to be fragile, so cation is issued when being a flanker.
GENERAL TACTICAL NOTES The leader of the group can be anyone, but is generally best if they are the front liner. From there they can see the entire combat, and can give directions.
It is best to have one person collecting the loot.
Within a group, you will all move in one unit, one formation, one team. As such, the supplies you carry them becomes some what property of the group. Should some one go down, heal them. Should someone need to be buffed, do ti for them. When you share supplies, it makes the group stronger.
When out with the house, and the loot is collected, it must then be divided. When this is a house event, those of rank will choose first. Then one rank lower will go and so on down the chain. Those of higher rank require more funding to do what they do then the lower ranks.
Conserve supplies. With a properly executed formation, supply consumption should be relatively low compared to as if there was no formation.And use the right supplies. No need to over buff, and make sure not to under buff.
Any battle formation can be tweaked and changed, even on the fly, to suit any groups needs.
Contributors Rinaldo Montezzi, Prince of House Montezzi.