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New Faction & Plot - ~10 Players Wanted

Hello, EFU!

I am looking for players to take part in an intensive plot I will be running. It will deal with the career path of a group of classes and will take on many shady elements. As such, this is a plot that has an extreme concentration to secrecy.

The plot will require approximately ten players who must meet these two requirements: * Must be willing to put forth time into playing their character. This means no alternate characters may be played, and players must be willing to put a decent amount of time in-game to accomplish plot objectives. * Secrecy is the major element of this plot, so players must be mature enough to maintain them. Even the slightest OOC clue can ruin the experience for others, or be metagamed and jeopardize everything.

What you can look forward to: * Characters will grow from being the novice to the veteran over the span of this plot, offering lots of room for character development. * This plot has a planned beginning and end, giving you the opportunity to wrap up on a high note. * Take part in PVP that is intertwined with the plot and thus a greater purpose.

This may be my last major plot I will run on EFU, so if you haven't had the joy of partaking in my events, this is your big chance.

Existing characters will not have the opportunity to join. All characters involved must be new.

Players old and new are invited to apply.

This application will not be the same format as the standard EFU application, and thus be easier to draft.

Warning: Do not express your interest in applying for this plot to others! Since subterfuge is a major element of this plot, even knowing who is involved could be hazardous. Thus, your interest must remain secret. In applying, you must be mature enough to maintain the mysteries of the plot on an OOC level. Failure to do so will result in you being removed from the plot, or even banned from the server.

Interested? Send me a forum PM asking for more details. Applications are due on July 10th. The plot will begin on July 11th or 12th.

Thank you! - Sternhund

Several people have expressed interest to me via IRC while I'm away. It would be best if you sent me notice of your interest through the forum PM system since I can manage those best, and give you the next step details even faster!

Quick reminder that apps are due on Jul 10! Be sure to send me a forum PM to get the app format and some minor details. I'm going to start letting people know on the accepts/denies tomorrow.

A couple quick notes: A lot of people have been asking about the "last major plot" remark. While I still plan to be around for one-shot DM quests, IRC, general assistance with apps and all that, I will be too busy to run anything major for what I imagine will be a long, long time!

Lastly, I've witnessed little bits of chatter about the plot in IRC. Please re-read the scary red text in the original post! This is a measure to avoid metagaming, since it can spoil the plot for all to know who's involved. I'll be rejecting apps of people who have spoken about their interest openly in IRC.

Thanks everyone!

Applications due by the end of today. If you've sent in an application and haven't heard from me by Jul 11th, contact me to make sure I haven't lost you in all the paperwork!

As of this post, no more applications are being accepted. Thanks to everyone who submitted. I've got a lot of apps to read and I'll do my best to notify everyone as soon as possible!