2006-05-01 04:45:10 UTC
Happened to me... quite a bit latley(4 times in the last week).
If you are going to threaten to murder someone, fine, fantastic, conflict and PVP is great, it advances the server, hurray! Twice in the last two days alone I stormed off from my group after someone threatened to kill my character, I heard my party say "Think hes going to go kill em?" I smirked as a player, planning to go kill the threatener to make it clear to my party just how badass my character is and what a no nonsense attitude he has.
However even if you plan on running away right after the threat, PLEASE do not log immediatly, as the individual you threatened may think "Why wait?" and plan to intiate PVP, immediatly-but you just logged off.
Howland asked a bit ago if any rules seem "obvious" to some, but are not listed and potentially should be.
How about an addendum to rule #16(don't log if you were just involved in PVP): "If you are involved in actions highly likley to result in PVP, it is suggested you do not log immediatly."
2006-05-01 05:57:59 UTC
That's a fine rule, but I don't see the big deal?
They logged after making a threat, why not just kill them when they relog?
2006-05-01 06:12:12 UTC
I think it has a lot to do with how detrimental it can be to situations where one character threatens another, and the threatened character immediately commences plans/preparations for PvP (finds associates, concocts plan, locates target). After that window of, 5, 10 minutes, the target logs.
I'd say Vesa has a point here. At the same time, threats are threats. As always, tells can go a long way in solving things. If someone is mature enough to threaten to kill your character, they should be mature enough not to metagame any instance of you asking them to remain online because 'retaliatory actions to their threat may ensue'.
- Kiaring
2006-05-01 09:01:15 UTC
Though in defense of the threatener, seeing the person leave after your threat, he or she may have thought you were simply afraid and didn't have any need to stick around because no recourse was coming.
2006-05-01 11:37:50 UTC
Kill him when he logs in. WTF. This is a no brainer. I'll roleplay until I feel like logging out. I'm not hanging around so you can prove your powerbuild in PvP which I have no way of knowing you plan to initiate. :roll:
2006-05-01 13:26:40 UTC
I agree with oro.
Also tells can work wonders in these situations. If they don't know your gonna iniatiate anything they don't have to stick around. Infact they don'thave to stick around either way if your not quick about it. Some people may have alot of things to do. Or it could be late at night for them in there time.
2006-05-01 15:16:01 UTC
That's a fine rule, but I don't see the big deal?They logged after making a threat, why not just kill them when they relog?
and also in response to oroborous....
Because at the time they make the threat they may be in an IDEAL position for you to kill them, immediatly.
Later, they may not be.
If bob the gnome is with you in a deep dark cave outside of the city on a quest and threatens to kill you later then walks away.... well hey thats perfect, run after him, kill him.
Its not very likley you will easily get bob the gnome into any isolated spot with you ever again, unless you trick him with another party(which is more difficult and needlesly complicated).
Oroborous this is also not a case of "showing off a l33t power gaming build" since in the situation I am outlining, the other party initiates the conflict.
2006-05-01 15:21:44 UTC
That was me... doah.
If the threatener is in a remote area he is at a disadvantage because the threatenee may turn around immediately and kill them without having to worry about the elaborate problems of disguises or luring them away.
An OOC method is being employed(logging) to avoid the IC handicap the threatener may be under.
I'll roleplay until I feel like logging out.
Also to add further..... well we already have a rule that says if your involved in PVP don't log immediately so really you shouldn’t just log out heh. I'm saying this is a natural extension, if your involved in something likely to lead to immediately PVP, don't log immediately.
2006-05-01 15:27:00 UTC
Then kill him then. If he walks away, and logs off--you clearly weren't killing him unless you're talking about people logging in combat.
2006-05-01 15:31:14 UTC
I am talking about "threat is made, threatener runs around the corner, 15 seconds later, logs". Believe me, I was doing my best. I needed a second or two to send a message to the dm channel saying "PVP imminent in X spot" and set him hostile as I ran after him.
2006-05-01 21:34:42 UTC
Aw, that's different and silly. I think everyone was thinking from your original post that he threatened you and then you walked away. He should've at least given you some time to chase him. Still, you can't always hope for the best circumstances. Part of the fun and RP of it comes from trying to find a way to get him somewhere where you can get away with killing him. If you're going to engage in conflict that may end in the death of a character that someone has probably put a lot of time and creativity into, don't expect them to make it easy on you.
2006-05-01 22:29:41 UTC
For the record
This incedent did not involve me or any of my gnomes!
I demand you change it to Billy the human fighter or Ivynettle the elf rogue!
Oh and back on topic. Outcrowd made a good point. The fact that you have to trick them to get them alone is very much so an ic factor that will come into these situations often enough. In his exact words "don't expectthem to make it easy for you."
2006-05-01 22:31:14 UTC
Yes. Make a threat, stick by it. Don't log. If you have to log, don't make a threat.
2006-05-04 03:41:29 UTC
After discussing this with Vesa in game, it appears I am one of the accused. I did make threats at Vesa and walk off. I went and got my pet, and then stalked him with a plan of ambush for 20 mins plus. I logged off after he did. I completly agree that walking off when PvP is imminent is rude. But this appears more a case of an inability to read the log in names.
2006-05-04 04:17:31 UTC
Nothing wrong with making a threat and walking off, or even walking off with pending pvp. Hell, that's called fight or flight. It's the logging off Vesa is talking about.
2006-05-04 04:44:26 UTC
I did not want to, nor did I name scrappayeti, he named himself. Le sigh :/.
2006-05-12 23:14:29 UTC
I think this has clearly been settled.