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Welcome To the G.I.A ( Greycloak Intelligence agency)

My Pc (Sir Carckticus Horatio Wendlebery-Huntington-Smith III,(C.H. Smith for short),) has been given the job to run security,( both internal and external) for the Greycloaks So I am looking to recruit Good aliened PC's, who are sympathetic to the greycloak cause for an Intelligence network Or as i like to call it the GIA, The network will be seperate but working closley with the Greycloaks, it's main jobs will be Intelligence gathering, Keeping people under survailence, Counter espionage, and a few Black operations, ( asassination and the like)

If you like the sound of this either PM me or leave you PC name , and times you play below so we can RP this

Question. Will you be funding this at any time by running illegal imports of Blue Mushroom-spiked drinks? :wink:

was rather hoping that no funding would be nessasary. volenteers , and gentle men spys,

Not to be confused with Goonfleet Intelligence Agency

Recruit IC.

Humoresque Recruit IC.

Doesn't work too well if people need to make a new character to fit to the concept. :-P

Humoresque Recruit IC.
You do know this thread is partially meant for OOC recruiting, right?

ThadiusTheGrey was rather hoping that no funding