2008-06-30 03:21:02 UTC
I was doing the Ice run quest to the Grotto and ran across this error message:
Script obj_combination OID:80017196 Tag: Temp_sg_Canal_door, Error: TOO MANY INSTRUCTIONS
That was the exact text as I saw it. I was in the mirror room and seeing if the mirror was a door. I believe that is when it came up. The only other thing I did was try to play the organ.
Hope this helps. If you need more info or wish me to to try to recreate the error.. please let me know.
Character: Azah Daergel, Gnome Barbarian 3rd Level
2008-06-30 07:28:53 UTC
This didn't come from your Grotto Ice Run. That's all I can say. It was just odd timing from something else going on.
2008-06-30 09:37:27 UTC
Yes, it has nothing to do with anything you did, nor your character specifically. However, if you should somehow find a way to replicate a TMI error several times, we'd very much like to know.
2008-06-30 14:50:10 UTC
Not a problem... I am still in the Grotto right now, ended the game there. So I should be able to try to reproduce it for you.
I have done R&D Alpha and Beta testing for a computer company in the past, so I have an idea of what is needed.
Is there an exact list you would liked followed?
IE: Info, server build, Operating system.... etc.
Just let me know please. :)
2008-06-30 15:09:06 UTC
No, because this one you can't reproduce. It is completely unrelated to your character, and should be transmitted to everyone logged in at the time.