Home > Lower Sanctuary

Unloading my junk

[These are tacked up in The Last STand, The Pissing Crone, and other various places around Upper and Lower]

I am selling the following items:

Darker Ring of protection - 900 // +1 AC, +1 intimidate, usable by neutral, evil.

Healing Blade - 350 // longsword, +1 heal, 10 charges cure minor

Ring of Protection Against Evil - 400 // +1 AC against evil

Wicked Guard - 500 // +1 AC against evil, +1 saving throw against negative energy, Light 15m yellow

Goulish Gauntlets - 500 //summon creature V 1 use

Dragon Helm - 100 // Dragons breath (slow) single use

Tricksters Outfit - 1000 //bluff +2, Persuade +1, +1 AC, 14 charges Expeditious Retreat, usable by Chaotic

Moderate Dueling Rapier - 400 //+5 Parry

Nimble Boots - 500 //+1 Reflex

Avengers Helm - 700 //+1 Will, +1 Concentration, +1 Spot, usable by Lawful

Send Letters to Laith at the Stand, Crone, or Fortress. All prices are subject to change/negotiation, and your head is subject to being on my sword if you try to rob me.

Laith Sergeant of House Montezzi Master at Arms.