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Letter to Curator Ehring at the Library [DM]


Observation: By submitting and signing this form you (the sponsor) hereby relinquish any right of 'ownership' over the knowledge contained herein, and any subsequent findings this project yields. You recognize that knowledge has no owner and that the rightful place of this projects' findings is within the Sanctuary Library, from which any citizen of our city who wishes to learn about this subject may request illumination.

1) Name, race, occupation and place of residence of the sponsor: Egon "The Balladeer" Rosenqvist. Entertainer, scholar and acolyte of Lurue. The Last Stand Inn.

2) Name of the project: A Quantitative Study of the Mixing of Alchemical Reagents for Personal Defence. 3) What is the exact nature of your project? What is its field of study? What do you believe will be its main obstacles? Do you foresee the need for any expeditions or for the acquisition of any particular items for its completion? Outline these briefly and concisely. My project aims to collect information and rumours on alchemical recipes suitable for adventurers and the authorities to use to defend themselves, and to find the exact proportions of reagents required. I believe the main obstacles will be the location of suitable reagents, and the persuasion of the local alchemical community to openly share knowledge. Both may require payment to obtain. In order to validate the recipes, I shall require some reasonable supplies of alchemical reagents to work with. I know the location of some of these, but many require expense or risk to obtain.

4) What questions do you intend to see answered by this project? What goals do you intend to see fulfilled? I intend to find the reagents and processing required to produce several items of an alchemical nature, and to make these recipes freely available to all, not hidden away in the minds of scholars.

5) How will Sanctuary benefit from the knowledge generated by this project? Why is it a worthwhile pursuit for the Library and the City? Sanctuary will benefit from the knowledge of how to create alchemical weaponry and devices. As of now, these devices are in common use by our foes such as the goblins, but there is no sustained attempt to supply our own forces with such.

Attach below any documents or reports pertaining to the project you may possess or have access to. This is very important, as it saves us from having to conduct preliminary examinations of the topic, and allows us to move onto more important things from the get-go.

Report: I have obtained the formula for Alchemist's fire, and I have information on the ingredients, but not proportions for three other alchemical products. I have suggested to two fellow students of alchemy the benefits of the free flow of knowledge, and one has offered to aid in my studies, should she discover the exact nature of any of the recipes I told her of.

As time passes, it becomes evident that a whole lot of dust can fit on very little paper.

Mr. Rosenqvist,

Though I'm just settling into my duties as Caretaker of the Library, your project will be taken before the research team, myself, and we will, that is, I will, begin to investigate into it. I hope you will stop by the library, or make a sending, so we may speak in person. I'm very interested to share in what you've learned so far. Though I personally am unskilled at alchemy, I am friends with the local druidic circle, who's knowledge and experience in these matters is vast and unequaled, and I am an experienced spelunker, should you need a protecting hand when gathering ingrediants.

Herschel Huygens, Library Caretaker