[Posted outside the last stand, inside the school of war, In the Town hall, and left in the Market]
Citizens, people of Sanctuary. This is a dark time. A defining moment in our lives. Whenenemies come to our gates, they will show no mercy. They will not care if you carry a sword, a shield. Many of them will not carr if you beg for your life on hand and knee. The question is: Will you let them into your Home, and slaughter you and your family - Or will you take a stand, and make it known that your family will never be harmed, not while you draw breath?
Sanctuary, is not Dunwarren. Sanctuary, is not the spellguard. It is not the watch! We are sanctuary. Sanctuary is all of us. The people who live here. Sanctuary will never die, never fall, while we stand together! So long as we stand together, facing whatever may come to harm our families, our loved ones - Stand together as one force, as comrades, shields raised, shouting as one voice - "We are Sanctuary! We will never fall!" It is come to us, it is in our choices, that Sanctuary will live or die.
Will you let it happen, or will you take a stand? Will you defend your family, or die with them, hiding? Any and every Man and woman can make a diference. Anyone will make a difference. Defend your home. Defend your family.
Come to the School of War, Learn to use a Sword, to Earn your place as a member of Sanctuary. Learn to defend your families, your loved ones. Become the part of our voice!
I am Colara, The Headmistress of the School of War. I call you, people of Dunwarren. Find the warrior within you, take up your place on the battlefield, so that Tempus will ride with you, and through your actions, your family will be safe in the times to come! Defend your family. Lend your arm to the City. You are a part of Sanctuary. Take your place in shaping it's future!