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An Act of War

Strewn throughout the city

House Montezzi is now aware that the Spellguard plans to invade the Canal Ward with ravenous Substance-striken spiders and spread a plague throughout Lower and the Canal Ward in four days time.

If this transpires it will be recognized by us as an act of war on behalf of the entire Upper City. We hope that the vile magicians don't make the mistake of being the first party to initiate warfare between two otherwise peaceful realms.


The Spellguard dared unleash a massive spider on the domain of House Montezzi. This spider was grown from an egg snatched by an Agent during the aftermath of the Unseelie, routinely and daily fed Substance and innocents or political prisoners for months on end until it grew into the hideous monster which wrought so much destruction.

This monster was confronted by Prince Rinaldo Montezzi, who along with his loyal Guard fought the beast valiantly for hours, chasing it down with blade in hand as it sickeningly lurched through the realm slaying the weak and innocent to feast upon later. Wounded, the beast retreated to its lair atop a hidden, high rooftop in the Canal Ward. Prince Rinaldo Montezzi and his Guard entered the place, worked past the Spellguard illusions, defenses and traps -including an army of animatronic defenders- and faced down the mutant beast on the rooftop.

Brought within an inch of its life by the Prince, it fled once again to the streets where it slew yet more innocents. The Prince struck hard and true, empowered with the need to defend his subjects, his lands and his successes, but with its last desperate strength the spider struck the Prince down fatally, before its own grotesque legs gave away under it before the weight of death.

The Spellguard will concoct all manner of lies and stories to hide what was an irredeemably vile act. Do not be fooled. Many witnesses saw what transpired. I will name them not here, lest they mysteriously disappear. But for those who wish the truth of the matter, it is easily investigated.

House Montezzi arose from the ambitions of one man. All were offered a place by his side, all were offered the chance to accept his rule. Many refused, but they knew the consequences beforehand. It was killing, but it was not murder. Regarding the countless innocent dead of Lower who litter the streets, the Spellguard cannot say the same.

Enjoy the return of dirty streets, empty buildings, cutthroats, thieves, squalor, chaos, lawlessness and, most importantly of all, apathy.

As the snakes and insects who envied the great man scurry about feverishly, rejoicing and claiming their small part in his death, remember that Prince Rinaldo Montezzi was never mastered by any being, never defeated by any man.