2006-04-30 01:46:09 UTC
I'm starting a new character, a Banite warrior. My plan is to start a faction. I'm interested in knowing if anyone was also thinking of starting a new character, and whether they would like to join.
The faction will be lawful evil, in correlation with Bane's alignment. We work wihtin the law to acheive our primary goal, which will be making everyone Fear Bane.
Either PM me or write back on this thread if you're interested. Priests are needed.
2006-04-30 01:56:59 UTC
My accuont name is MadCaddies and my player name is Praetorius.
The faction will include a ranking system also, of course.
2006-04-30 02:42:47 UTC
There's already a Banite faction of sorts IG, you should check it out.
2006-04-30 03:22:48 UTC
Lol. Never seen a Banite before, Then 1 group turns up and another is planned.
2006-04-30 04:51:58 UTC
I am making a new evil cleric tommorow.... giving *SERIOUS* thought to Bane, but I am not sure.
Partially because of the existing population but also partially don't want to BECAUSE of them. Not to blame them(they sure as heck are trying) but their actions are not too inspiring... if I made a Banite i'd likley try a coup and I don't want to try to overthrow a player group doing its own thing.
2006-04-30 05:51:33 UTC
Well I never knew anything about an existing Banite faction. If my character finds out about them and is not impressed, he will also likely attempt a coup. Serioulsy.
Well I'm gonna go ahead with the idea now anyway, so anyone interested is welcome. My warrior needs some spirtiual guidance *points as Vesa*.
2006-04-30 05:54:21 UTC
Actually after rolling the idea around some more in my head, I won't make a Banite..... I mean I *REALLY* want a Banite, but the current Banite and Co. got a good thing going and I don't want to get in their way.
2006-04-30 09:12:28 UTC
No worries. Still havent met any of them yet.
2006-04-30 14:48:06 UTC
Well Mad, if you want my 2 cents...Hook up with Vesa and get it rolling. He is a good player and always full of plots for whatever he does. I fully understand why he doesn't want to...but perhaps all Bane needs is a little helping hand. Well, that and a reason to be pheerD!1! Bane, as I see it right now is pretty much just laughed at unfortunately. I think in order to garner they eye of Vesa, you would need to be able to change that.
2006-04-30 15:13:09 UTC
It annoys my character greatly when characters call him a Banite. Pretty soon he'll get so mad, that people will actually fear him more than Bane himself. You should do something about that. 8)
2006-04-30 17:35:52 UTC
If you are referring to our little Banite group (Kethan, Lorani etc), we are dead so don't worry about interferring with us heh.
2006-04-30 18:27:32 UTC
All of you? Knew it wouldn't last long.
2006-04-30 21:29:30 UTC
Not all, but it does suck to be killed off before we all even hit level 5 and did anything.
2006-05-01 01:03:00 UTC
Not all, but it does suck to be killed off before we all even hit level 5 and did anything.
That is why truly evil people exploit the system they are working within, making themselves appear sympathetic and good... and doing their evil behind the scenes.
The simple, in your face evil of the Banites I have seen in the last week were sure to end badly. I have seen some far more subtle evil people lately who are probably going to last a while and cause lots of misery.
2006-05-01 01:13:53 UTC
LeurnidThat is why truly evil people exploit the system they are working within, making themselves appear sympathetic and good... and doing their evil behind the scenes.
The simple, in your face evil of the Banites I have seen in the last week were sure to end badly. I have seen some far more subtle evil people lately who are probably going to last a while and cause lots of misery.
Yep, everyone except for me and Paradox were new to NWN (this was the first server/characters many of them made) so it was more of a test run than anything else. I expected us to get killed off fairly quickly, and it was only an attempt to have fun while it lasted. =)
2006-05-01 01:16:16 UTC
It was obvious you guys were having fun with it... like a roller-coaster ride to hell... you gotta enjoy the ride, because that final drop off is it :D
2006-05-01 01:42:13 UTC
:O My Banite was so sure they were Cyricists, so avoided any involvement with them unless it was to insult them, challenge them to duels, etc. Tell your friends to give it another try, I'm sure their next evil incarnations will be much more successful now that they have a better idea of how things work.
2006-05-01 02:08:52 UTC
I'm still going ahead with the concept.
Well, that and a reason to be pheerD!1! Bane, as I see it right now is pretty much just laughed at unfortunately. I think in order to garner they eye of Vesa, you would need to be able to change that.
I will.
That is why truly evil people exploit the system they are working within, making themselves appear sympathetic and good... and doing their evil behind the scenes.The simple, in your face evil of the Banites I have seen in the last week were sure to end badly. I have seen some far more subtle evil people lately who are probably going to last a while and cause lots of misery.
The problem is that the dogma of Bane means that his followers are basically forced to be unsubtle, at least some of the time. To make people PheerD!1! Bane, you have to make others fear you, his servant. To do that, you have to hurt/intimidate people. My char, Praetorius, sacrificed more powerful feats (KD, EXP) to get skill focus Intimidate, for the RP value. (Pure fighter so cross class skill points hurts!) It also adds to my lifespan I'd say, considering I try and hurt people less, which on low levels with the non-existant CR means I'd no doubt get dusted less :D
So yeh, anyone thinking about it is still welcome.
2006-05-01 02:10:09 UTC
Not sure where that random quote thing at the end came in...*shrugs*
2006-05-01 02:21:31 UTC
The problem is that the dogma of Bane means that his followers are basically forced to be unsubtle, at least some of the time. To make people PheerD!1! Bane, you have to make others fear you, his servant. To do that, you have to hurt/intimidate people. My char, Praetorius, sacrificed more powerful feats (KD, EXP) to get skill focus Intimidate, for the RP value. (Pure fighter so cross class skill points hurts!) It also adds to my lifespan I'd say, considering I try and hurt people less, which on low levels with the non-existant CR means I'd no doubt get dusted less :D
I can envision ways to create fear of Bane without ever needing to let anybody know you are a Banite (as long as people are willing to not meta-game and respect the anonymity of helms and disguises) or you have the advantage of having a network of friends willing to do the dirty work.
Think Ku-Klux-Klan or Propogandist Secret Service.
2006-05-01 06:28:17 UTC
Yes the network of underlings/friends is important, I agree. But I serioulsy do not think that Banites need be ultra secretive. My approach is not going to be that way, at least. I want to make an impact. You can still play smart evil without being covert.
2006-05-01 14:44:28 UTC
If you are referring to our little Banite group (Kethan, Lorani etc), we are dead so don't worry about interferring with us heh.
Yeah I play Tarnis Westwind and I remember Kethan, Lorani, and Ibhim. As I recall your group got ambushed/repelled in the Underdark by a mercenary player group.
I was there when the merc's were arrested and only your dwarf Banite remained.
Admittedly, it was kinda fun to have that conflict in the town, as now there isn't much since and its kinda boring at the inn.
2006-05-01 15:25:59 UTC
I'm still going ahead with the concept. Well, that and a reason to be pheerD!1! Bane, as I see it right now is pretty much just laughed at unfortunately. I think in order to garner they eye of Vesa, you would need to be able to change that.
I will.
That is why truly evil people exploit the system they are working within, making themselves appear sympathetic and good... and doing their evil behind the scenes.The simple, in your face evil of the Banites I have seen in the last week were sure to end badly. I have seen some far more subtle evil people lately who are probably going to last a while and cause lots of misery.
The problem is that the dogma of Bane means that his followers are basically forced to be unsubtle, at least some of the time. To make people PheerD!1! Bane, you have to make others fear you, his servant. To do that, you have to hurt/intimidate people. My char, Praetorius, sacrificed more powerful feats (KD, EXP) to get skill focus Intimidate, for the RP value. (Pure fighter so cross class skill points hurts!) It also adds to my lifespan I'd say, considering I try and hurt people less, which on low levels with the non-existant CR means I'd no doubt get dusted less :D
So yeh, anyone thinking about it is still welcome.
Non clerics of Bane can get away with alot more subtle things then Banite clerics can.... they can preach peace love and puppies or whatever in Banes name as long as it is to his ultimate benifit.... they need not neccesarily even introduce the fear aspect, unless of course they got a cleric overseeing them, in which case the cleric is oblidged to see that they do.
There are a number of gods with VERY similar dogmas to Bane, but without the "fear bane" aspect which makes it harder to work with.
2006-05-01 17:39:27 UTC
I often tell people I'm a Banite and often that triggers the reactions of hatred and perhaps fear without me having to lift a finger. I'm not a very good Banite I know :D
2006-05-01 22:22:59 UTC
Non clerics of Bane can get away with alot more subtle things then Banite clerics can.... they can preach peace love and puppies or whatever in Banes name as long as it is to his ultimate benifit.... they need not neccesarily even introduce the fear aspect, unless of course they got a cleric overseeing them, in which case the cleric is oblidged to see that they do.There are a number of gods with VERY similar dogmas to Bane, but without the "fear bane" aspect which makes it harder to work with.
My character was a soldier in the Zhent army, and his father was a cleric of Bane. He was taught to make people fear Bane from day one. And he hasn't changed. He's LE though, so he will usually (not always) work within the confines of the law, at least overtly. He will never be seen preaching love and happiness though, thats for sure :P
Still need that cleric! The rank system in the group will mean that the High Priest will be the overall leader. Also need one to initiate the two new converts into the Church/Order.
2006-05-03 00:56:03 UTC
We got rogues, fighters, mages. NEED A PRIEST!
Come on guys :(
2006-05-03 01:06:32 UTC
I just wanted to make a Banite cleric and I didnt because you all died and I just made ANOTHER kind of evil cleric.... damnit people! ><
2006-05-03 01:45:12 UTC
Make sure he isnt a Cyricist, Vesa :wink:
2006-05-03 15:37:20 UTC
I have a cleric of Bane... drop me a tell in game. /tp "BardicKnowItAll"
2006-05-04 00:47:32 UTC
*slight sigh* I am coming up blank with ways to activley involve other people with my new cleric...
I had some interesting ideas but ultimatley I don't think he'll be much fun in the long term.
Banite cleric in 3 2... made, heh.
I'll find you quick enough.
2006-05-04 14:10:06 UTC
Bane; we stand up for democracy, we stand for sanctuary! ;)
Just check the IC forums heh.
Come on people, roll up some banites... we want sunday lay followers as much holy rollers!