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Ettin Camp Variation

I noticed the Quest Area for the Ettin camp quest is called "Humanoid Camp" which made me think that we could be facing anything. But no it is still the goblins over and over again, which can get a tad boring and repetative.

What I was thinking was that maybe 3 or 4 different variations of the camp could be made which would be chosen at random when you take the quest. So for example we have chances of facing a gnoll tribe, the usual goblins, a mad cult of humans and elves from lower who worship the ettin for protecton etc etc.

As well as giving us abit more variety, it'll be pretty hard to metagame what your going to face since it is a random selection. Which means that spellcasters and the like wouldn't have a clue what spells to use unless they think smart.

I suppose this idea could be done with a few more quests as well, the temple of hoar having living cultists in it trying to summon a demon maybe? The narrow tunnels offering something else to fight other than just eyeballs?

I'm pretty sure there is a good reason for it to always be goblins. But variety amongst goblins is always good.

It would be very fun with var-iat-ing quests.

I see these threads come up a LOT and don't ever see much done about the concept. As a non-scripter, just how hard is it to create rotating quests? I mean, the idea of having some variation is a GREAT idea, but is it feasible in terms of what it would take for the server to load a different one at each reset?

I was speaking to a DM about it recently and they believe it can be done, its just the matter that they don't know how to do it.

Instead of goblins, perhaps Kobolds might spawn? Maybe an ettin tribe instead!

I was speaking to a DM about it recently and they believe it can be done, its just the matter that they don't know how to do it.

Cruzel Knows/has done it. If DMs are serious about it, PM me.