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Without concept

Well- My Garagosian died. He was killed in secret room in a secret place by a secret person. Not in EPIC PvP, and he died without his greatsword in his hand.

Yea he was fun ((Edited to remove the EMO))

So I am in need of a concept.

Give it to me in PM's if you need to.


Aw, he was fun! How about a different variety of berserk character if you like that thing? I would love to see a drunken halfling fist-fighter around (halfling Barbarian).

Make a Watchman, Thomas. Go on, you know you want to.

There is an up and coming Orc horde, and I am strongly considering a character to balance out the expected mini max characters.

Seriously, I am gonna kill someone if I see another mini max half orc in an orc horde.

What about a Chaotic Good psychopath, who, following some sort of inner revolution, is striving to keep his bloodlusting urges to evil creatures and people? Sort of like an extremely violent, non-lawful paladin.

Thomas, this is the guy playing the Orc. The non min-maxed actually statistically intelligent Orc. You know me. We've played together before. We talk in tells. I consider you my friend. So please listen to me now.


Seriously dude, we'd have a blast. I got some cool stuff churnin in my head. You could even app for another pure Orc. If that sounds intriguing, send me a PM and we can discuss it further, got an idea for that too. Later man



Archibald numbers are up, but we could definitely use some more fighter types. Would love to have you on board buddy, though the horde also sounds great for you.

Diagnosis What about a Chaotic Good psychopath, who, following some sort of inner revolution, is striving to keep his bloodlusting urges to evil creatures and people? Sort of like an extremely violent, non-lawful paladin.

Someone is a fan of Showtime's Dexter. Anyway, I think a serial killer will be evil regardless of intentions, and would argue that sort of killing code fits in with a LE character.

Dexter I would actually see as Lawful Evil, definitely not Chaotic Good. -.- He adheres to his own twisted moral code in order to fulfill his desires.

Decided to join the Horde, keep an eye out for a creepy looking grey orc if he gets accepted.

Death to Clowns
Diagnosis What about a Chaotic Good psychopath, who, following some sort of inner revolution, is striving to keep his bloodlusting urges to evil creatures and people? Sort of like an extremely violent, non-lawful paladin.

Someone is a fan of Showtime's Dexter. Anyway, I think a serial killer will be evil regardless of intentions, and would argue that sort of killing code fits in with a LE character.

I would think that it can be entirely possible. All sorts of goodly adventurers, especially paladins, are out killing monsters, and usually taking profit (rewards) for it. With the logic provided, they should all be chaotic evil, regardless of intention, due to the fact that they're ending a fair lot of lives. And I've never seen Dexter. <_< Don't advise me to. TV is Satan. Thank you.

Taking pleasure from murder is an evil act and killing a monster is not the same as killing an evil human.


Pick up the Heroes builders guild and use that to help create your next character. It will allow you to have a back-story and explain why things happen the way they did. And from there you can create your own reasons as to how that character got stuck in the Underdark.

Just my 2 cents.....