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To much XP?

I was a part of the Umberhulkj invasion repulsion force and I was startlde by the sheer amount of XP i was getting.

50-70 XP, regardless of it being a behemoth or not.

Is that a big problem?

No, because it was probably intentional. Regular umberhulks give nothing close to that and the number of people involved split the kill amount equally. With higher risk, you get higher reward... somethings :wink: .

Also, there was no end xp, right?

I got 250 xp at the end...might be for something else though.

Nope, the DM's just forgot about us Montezzi's. I said there was two parties in the DM channel, but must've been one of those missed ones.

Should there ever be a feel to justify this, those present from the Montezzi were;

Elizabeth Ravenlock,

Darie Pellaeon,

Torroth Bluesteel,



Zerathan Zen

No worries, Montezzi's weren't the only ones. But no matter, merely xp that can be gained elsewhere.

The CR on a few of these things is certainly far too high. Thank you for reminding me!

Fixed next update.