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My Farewell!

Like some know I'll be shipping off to Military Basic Training for the United States Air Force. For those curious, I'll be working an intelligence field which will deal with deciphering signals and waves.

I will be busy with boot camp for a month, and then I should have Technical Schooling for up to six months. I will be absent for a month for sure, but my presence online or even on EfU will entirely depend upon the length of the schooling and how difficult I find it. I plan to get back online as soon as I get out of Boot camp regardless.

I'll be leaving Monday Evening to Military Entrance Processing and that'll be my last day online, I'm quite sure I'll be feeling withdrawls by the time I reach San Antonio for Boot Camp.

In anycase, this is my Farewell regardless of how long I am gone. EfU is the best server I've played on and it was made this way not only because of the flexible DM team but also the players who stuck around since the beginning in Alpha when you could just as easily call it a "Campaign" as you could a Persistant World.

Hopefully when I'm back I can get to work on another awesome character. :P

You can't leave until someone kills Ivandur.

On a sidenote -Get as much out of the military as you can, and I don't just mean hooking up with all the good looking girls the AF hordes under its mattress. Will you be enlisted or an officer, and is it for life or not?


ps-Be nice to the Marines, even if they make fun of you (Its cause their lives suck and the pretty/smart girls join the AF). Hope to see you around occasionally.

Great, now who am I going to slander in the Times? ;)

I think it's awesome you're joining the Air Force man. I hear many basic trainees go to Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas. We might be in the same town for a bit. Nifty, huh?

In any case, thanks for being awesome and I wish you the best of luck in boot camp! :)

Hope to see you soon!

It's just for four years, I plan to pick up a BA and then move into a Government Career using the Intelligence resume I've picked up. (FBI, NSA, General Law Enforcement, or a US Marshall because the name's sexy. >.>)

I will not try to write any witty comments here, just farewell, stay safe and all that.


So much to say, so little space. How could I forget all the memories you've created, sponsored, fostered, in your time on NWN? First there was Kelithon, with his duel shortswords and his padded armor, summoning his panther while he was about to make the killing blow on Sulla, and then gettying slay livinged horribly. It was rought, but it was alright, because you'd later bring Kelithon back for the prospect of hot Internet relations with a Kiaring character. And he had a beard. And then, there was the priest of Velsharoon. Made in an effort to jump on the Pyatt Pree levelling frenzy, and ride him for loot and XP. Except you got too scared, so you ran and hid in the cemetary with your slay livings. Waiting for that vindication that just didn't come! But he had sleek, silvery and black armor, so it was all good.

And now, my friend, we come to that pivotal pinnacle of characters that no one can forget. Hilinar Tord. His last name rhyming with a crude moniker for human excrements. A massive, flaming axe, that did lots of damage. And that lovely accent. Oh, and the flirtation with Minna. And that six charisma leadership talent. Hilinar was the type of dwarf you could count on, with his axe, his damage, and his six charisma. He was a character that was memorable, a character to be proud of. In many ways, he embodied you, Inquisitor, and I hope you bring his virtues with you into the rough and tumble military world. There was that other dwarf bard you made in an effort to-well, he's nothing next to Hilinar, so we won't go into him.

Anyway, now we come to EfU. You had that Drow, who went by the absurd human nickname and tried to snuggle Dash's priestess. He was but a pale foreshadow of what was to come-Ivandur, the lion of Nobanion, the pride of the Purple Pard. 13 strength, aged demeanor, level nine... he was a powerhouse, and he was the ideal you want to be, Inquisitor. You may have gone back to the dwarves now, but don't lose sight of that, and meld Ivandur and Hilinar into the massive man you want to be.

Ultimately, Inquisitor, with this recap, I'm trying to say that you're a man of many tastes, many talents, a wide, broad variety of fertile fields spreading out before you. From the valleys of California to the halls of Quizno's, you came, you saw, you conquered. Sometimes. Most of the time you just made snarky comments and ran to brag about them on IRC. But I digress-you're the future, Inquisitor. You're a proud young American man, about to go serve his country.

I wish you all the best, and my thoughts and prayers go with you. Vayas con Dios, Inquisitor-stay safe, stay hale, stay hearty, and come back a better man-and come back a -man,- if you know what I mean. European chicks are the win.

Ultimately, though, therockage is all I've got to give, and you've earned all of it and more. You rock the casbah 24/7.

Rock on, Inquisitor.

*wipes a lil' tear away*

I got to say that's beautiful, Starry Ice.

And Inquisitor, whether or not I'll ever hear from you again, I wish you the best of luck to come. Make the best of life, and seize the day. And whenever your superiours humiliate you, give a thought to me, Coldburn. Even though I have done so little to be reminded by you.

May the horizon be your limit.

All the best.

You won't last long.

You'll be back a few days. AWOL for NWN.

I normally dont have much to say in these sort of threads. Its funny how attached we get to one another, when most of us dont really know each other. But, I'll retract that comment as fast as I've typed it. I have to imagine that our characters are a reflection of ourselves in some manner or another. In which case, I have little doubt that you will do well in your endevours. From the gruff dwarf with an axe swing of unmentionable strength to the paladin that looked tobring light where there was so much darkness. It has been a pleasure both in and out of game to consider you a friend. Thank you for enriching the worlds we play in, and thank you for stepping up in the world we live in. In a time like this, to enter the military is a bold step. May uncle sam grant you much phat lewt, and always remeber their strict policy: Dont ask, dont tell. :lol: Thank you for supporting my art. I wish you well.

Yay he's finnaly left! :lol:

Yeah, good luck!

But..but Ivandur was so cooool

*wipes away a tear*

Bye Ivandur, have a great time in the Air Force (although from my expertise (lot's of B grade army movies) it's going to be hard with lot's of screaming and degrading mis-treatment

It's been fun. Good luck!

None of my characters ever met Ivandur, but they know of his impact. :)

Best of luck, mate.

Goodbye Inquisitor.

May you always find prey.

Best of luck.

Bye Inq! You'll do great, I'm sure.


Evan #3, our stories of used baggage, tending the shrubbery, painful stimulation, and other awkward life moments will live on forever, long past our own deaths. See you when you get back! :o

Uncle Sam saved my baby, only to have me get roughed up by duergar and drow.

Where was inquisitor?

good luck with military life.

How did I miss this?

Inq. you've been a great competitor IG, influence OOG, and all around fun player to be around. I regret that there's a strong possibility I may not see you return to EfU, but it's been great playing with you. You may have noticed, may not have noticed but you helped me figure out what the hell was going on back in the ole election of 151, Nightal. Thanks for that too.

Oh, and damn you. Now even crazier people want my job.

Have fun, be safe, and God bless in your new endeavor.

Don't talk like that. You think he wont be zipping back here the second he gets ahold of that old internet? I say he'll be gone a month tops. Hell, I'll put money on it.

A month it is!!! You be back soon now. :)


Hey everyone, just sneaking in a quick reply when I'm not supposed to be browsing (Getting my top secret security clearence right now). In fifth week of training and things are shakey but I should be graduating on time in a week (Hopefully). EfU hasen't been on the mind since I've been so busy and stressed with Boot camp. This stuff is hard, crazy and at times hilarious. I've had trouble with the physical stuff, but go figure. Inspections are some trouble, but I won't be failing anymore, even at the cost of a lot of sleep. Right now I really just got to pump out 45 push ups, 50 sit ups and a 11:57 mile and a half (I failed that and have to re-take). But go figure, I sat online all day for about 4 years. I plan to do whatever it takes to pass, getting recycled/delayed for graduating is just a no-go.

That said, bit too distracted/avoiding notice to talk too much on details but I should be back in a few weeks/month depending on circumstances.

I just can't wait to graduate, it's hard to explain the feeling, I guess it's just the first thing I've ever really wanted. I know I'll get in. It's just a question of when.

I miss all of you and this time in BMT has really made me think; Take NOTHING for granted. I've looked at the freeway so many times and just been like, "Damn." . (It's symbolic! ;) )

I look forward to being back and chatting with you all again, let's just hope things go well for me. I'll be pushing myself the hardest I've ever been.

By the way, I've lost some fat (Not that I ever was >.>), gained more muscle and my jaw-line is far sexier along with my cheek-bones, Kiaring.

See you all soon. Wish me a sock-full of luck.

(Excuse typos, I'm typing with the screen down to avoid ass-rapage from angry NCOs)

<3 Kiaring, crew and everyone.

Nice to hear from you, I am sure you'll do just fine :wink:

Hey Inquis!

Sounds like you're doing great. Are you still stationed in San Antonio?

Best of luck with your training!

Yes, in Lackland for at least another week until graduation. Then I go to Goodfellow (Texas) for Technical School and I should be back online then. (Unless we're not allowed computers, which is possible for the first few phases.)

Anyway, time to get going. Look forward to seeing you all soon and sharing the experience.

Take care and hurry back sweetums!

Ass rapage huh? Good to here there are still traditions.



Nighty night, keep yer butthole tight!

Push it to the limit Inq.

Crap...I always miss these things 'til too late :oops:

I always loved playing with you Inquis, The OOC banter was often enough to make me LMAO...Remeber the time you were going to try to AE the dire polar bear out from under the storm giants nose so we could snatch a few XP? I still laugh when I think about it. I even laugh when Alastromeria told me about the IRC ren faire picture thing ;)

We'll see you, so I'm not going to say a sappy goodbye. XD I just wanted you to know I enjoy all of you who I have played with over the years...So, on that note, we'll see you soon.

I return, with many suckling babes and virgins in tow.

I'll be around, though no where near as much before the Air Force.

Welcome back! :)

Goodluck and fly safe pilot

see you in another life perhaps

He's already back, MexicanGunslinger.

It is known habit for his kind to return annually to his mating grounds. Single girls, beware.

Lmao, Gunslinger.