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Letter to the Council

*A letter containing the official seal of the Seekers, is left for the Council within the Town Hall*


In light of the recent Drow attack against the Spellguard, I must implore you to conduct an official inquiry into the Spellguard and their activities, as well as develop long term council oversight of their activities. The Seekers have documented account after account of criminal and destructive activities that am I certain have resulted in Sanctuary being more vulnerable then ever before.

Enclosed is a perspective, supported by official documentation, which chronologically illustrates destructive Spellguard activities that lead to the Drow assault upon the Spellguard Tower: Based upon no Council leadership oversight, the Spellguard Order has a long history of conducting illegal and destructive activities to insure their own survival. Consequently, assassination and torture were tools they frequently used to insure those objectives were met. (Reference Report#1 & 2)

During the infancy of House Montezzi rule of lower, the Seekers documented accounts of Spellguard clandestinely meeting with House Montezzi Leadership, as well as they provided arcane support against the Seekers and Clan Mithrilsoul operations. (Reference report # 3) However after the attempted assassination of me by Agent Lemalian, I pressed Officer Barkley of the Spellguard that I sought to file criminal charges against Agent Lemalian. Officer Barkley refused, however attempted to have the Agent pay me for damages he committed. Soon afterwards, Agent Lemalian grew disenchanted of the Spellguard and defected to House Montezzi, bringing along with him critical details pertaining to Sanctuary Defenses and political positions. The Spellguard attempted to intercept him by conducting a brazen attack against House Montezzi with Animatrons and Spellguard, however failed utterly. The failure resulted in additional losses of Spellguard equipment and keys to the city’s defense structures, further jeopardizing Sanctuary. (Reference Report #4)

Being the Spellguard had openly violated any agreement they had by openly attacking House Montezzi, such repercussions by their treachery would be paid in full. As the public knows, House Montezzi has openly consorted will treacherous slave races such as the Duergar and Drow, which many of these races now assist them in patrolling their streets and peddle foreign wares. The Seekers deduce that the most likely sort, who had the motive, connections, and will to see to the destruction of the Spellguard, was House Montezzi. Based upon the ill activities of the Spellguard, their unwillingness to enforce Sanctuary law upon one of their own, and their double-crossing of the military force of Montezzi has resulted in a weaker Sanctuary.

I write this letter to relay that enough is enough. Too long have the Spellguard have been allowed to exact their will upon the city unchecked. A former inquiry by the council is necessary to investigate only criminal activities, as well as place legislation to insure that these does not happen again.

Airandir Calmcacil

Covert Seeker Report #1: Spellguard Torture: This evening I broke into the Maulsoleum with the intention to find what the Spellguard wished kept secret. Unfortunately my opening spell caused havoc with my illusion, forcing me to flee back up to the Upper levels of the Maulsoleum, where the Spellguard were gathered.

Not wanting to jeopardize Airandir's efforts with the Council, I submitted to arrest for "trespass" and was sent to the Spellguard Tower, where I was tortured, robbed and threatened by helmed Spellguard under the protection of powerful magic. The Spellguard seemed very, very concerned over my actions, my questioning requiring the attention of five members.

I believe the only reason I was not killed was because of the many witnesses to my arrest

In short, I will be resisting arrest next time. Seeker Caluadra

Covert Seeker Report #2: Nefarious Spellguard Activity and Hostile Act’s

The last dark, I entered the Spellguard tower for the purpose of continuing my conversation with Agent Jacob Noble pertaining to threats posed by the House Montezzi to the free people of Sanctuary. When I entered the Tower, I walked into an open conversational meeting between the Spellguard & House Montezzi. Among those gathered was Officer Barkley, Agent Semaj Lemalian, Agent Jacob Noble, Private Redbeard (Watch), both Montezzi brothers, and another man I have not seen before. Officer Barkley quickly ordered me to be escorted out, while Pvt Redbeard we more the willing to pull a blade on me. I took a final look around then stepped out of the tower.

A few hours afterwards, I accompanied Agent Jacob Noble to the Spellguard tower at his request, for the purpose of discussing many developments that has transpired since our last conversation. As I was entering the tower, Agent Lemalian threaten my life that I would be put down if I stepped foot inside of the tower. Agent Noble verbally reprimanded Agent Lemalian, and encouraged me to follow him into the tower, which I did. As Agent Noble and I were discussing security matters in a back room, Agent Lemalian snuck into the room and attacked me to the ground with flames and balls of light. After I crawled to my feet, Officer Barkley arrived which the facts and circumstances of the attack were relayed to him. He attempted to have Agent Lemalian pay me coin for the pain and suffering that has transpired and relayed that Agent Lemalian would be “disciplined”. I stated I am a law abiding citizen, so I would rather he keep his blood money and do time in prison for attempted murder, as well as he losing his position within the order. Officer Barkely relayed to me that he was not going to lose his robes.

I will be putting together is file of reports pertaining to Spellguard transgressions and relaying it to the council for their review & action. I plan on relaying Mourn's situation as well as Derun Hayis's detainment as part of that file.


Covert Seeker Report #3: Spellguard Support to House Montezzi

This dark, a half-orc approached me and provided me with a Seeker decoder ring. He asked me to provide him with 1000 gold, but settled for 100 from my personal coffer. This half orc stated that yesterdark, he escorted a child to House Montezzi’s fort. Once they were inside, this child polymorphed into Agent Ramana. The agent met with House Montezzi staff, while the Half Orc stood guard at the door. During this meeting, Agent Ramana stated that the spellguard fully supported House Montezzi’s actions, and Officer Barkley offered some sort of deal with the bonus of bringing House Montezzi more Seekers.

The Half Orc approached the Spellguard Tower and relayed this information to one inside. He was provided with 100 coins and employment oppertunties if he was to forget about what he heard. He acknowledged and walked out the door.

This information pertaining to Spellguard involvement with House Montezzi was confirmed prior by Seeker Myria before she died. She stated to me in passing that she seen and overheard discussions, but was seeking to finish up a last mission before she accomplished any paperwork.

My fellow seekers…this is truly troubling news.


Covert Seeker Report #4: Spellguard Conflict with House Montezzi in Lower

This dark, I dialoged with a few contacts within Sanctuary and found out that a few darks past, the Spellguard conducted an assault against House Montezzi’s fort within Lower. Apparently, Spellguard Agent Semaj Lemalian defected to House Montezzi, and brought along with him sensitive internal Spellguard information to be exchanged for his acceptance within their number. The Spellguard sent five Agents and four animatrons in an attempt to interdict the former Agent Lemalian before he provided the information, however they were not successful. House Montezzi’s cur cut down all the agents and destroyed their animatrons. Additionally, I have heard that Agent Jacob Noble was among those agents slain.

When I inquired about the specifics about what information was suspected in being compromised, the most collective answers I could establish was internal information pertaining to Spellguard contacts, Sanctuary outposts, internal security posture, and offensive strategies, as well as a number of Spellguard agent robes, rods, keys (both Spellguard and Watch), etc.

Now, House Montezzi has been awarded the Canal Ward in trade of providing the items from the fallen, as well as the return of the former Agent Lemalian to face capital charges of endangering Sanctuary.


[Copy received by Rook, no reply sent]

*A letter containing the official seal of the Seekers is left for each of the councilors at the Town Hall. Additionally, a courtesy copy of the correspondence is left Sheriff Azzam at the Watch House. Within the thick letter, previous correspondence is present along with new information.*


Other then the fact I have heard you have received my previous letter, I have not received word pertaining to the information I have provided. It seems that as you ponder the information provided, another attempt on my fellow Seeker's life was attempted by the late Captain of the Spellguard Associates, Othur. Based upon the significant amount of threat information I previously provided, I ask for an official and objective inquiry into Spellguard activities.

Additionally, you will find enclosed within this letter a newly accomplished report by Agent Symbaern pertaining to the attempted murder of my fellow Seeker. Being Othur was Captain of the Spellguard Associates, the Spellguard should shoulder the burden of this criminal activity.

Moreover, the once fierce Spellguard now remains huddled up in their tower in fear of the threat that grows beneath our feet. The irony of this situation is almost too much to take, as I formulate words to relay such. The Spellguard, who collaborated with House Montezzi in the past and even welcomed and supported Montezzi rule in lower, now cowers in their tower in fear of reprisal for them doing their duty. Based upon the totally of the information I have provided, I would request that the council approves the charter provided and the Seekers be recognized as an official defense agency for Sanctuary. Secondly, I would request that based upon documented ill activities of the Spellguard, they receive a cut in funding, which is then allocated to the Seekers budget.

By accomplishing the measure that I relayed, will do wonders for strengthen Sanctuary’s defense. With proper charter and funding, the three equal and independent defense agencies, work collectively towards mitigating the threats internal to Sanctuary. The Seekers will sponsor Civil Defense Agency work groups with the Watch and Spellguard, to develop stratigies for mitigating the threat of House Montezzi and raiding drow.

Airandir Calmcacil, Seeker

BrittanyPanthas Seeker Airandir Calmcacil,

I am currently under house arrest at the Tower, and cannot leave without an armed escort. My role as the prosecutor at the trial of Pyotr, of House Montezzi has the Order fear I will be assasinated, and that it is in my best interests to remain in the Tower, for now. I will try my best to report on what occurred.

I asked Seeker Mourn Caluadra to come with me to the Last Stand to discuss the Civil Defense League initiative. Captain Othur had been following me, and according to his confession stated that he was enraged by the very idea an Agent collaborating with a Seeker. Whether this is his true motivation or not I can only speculat *This section is inked over then covered with a small quantity of sand, but he can still just barely make out the words*

He followed us into the Last Stand, into the room we had chosen. I spent a time collecting my thoughts. My back was turned to Mourn, when Captain Othur apparently struck. The Associate Captain missed his first strike. By the time I had turned around, Seeker Mourn was already out the door, and I saw the Captain fleeing after him. I called out. 'Captain, stop! What are you doing?' But he was already gone.

I arrested the Captain minutes later when I caught him on the streets using a spell of Clairvoyance, he was apparently still looking for Seeker Mourn.

At his trial, he confessed to the motivation as stated above. I testified to what I saw. Councilor Edward Raymus sentenced Captain Othur to be executed by stoning.

I am ashamed that I was unable to stop Associate Captain Othur from his attempted murder of Seeker Mourn. I offer no excuse.

If you wish to discuss the matter with me further, or hold the meeting for the Civil Defense League, then unfortunately it will have to take place at the Tower, or you will have to arrange a location with an Associate so that they might escort me there at the designated time.

-Agent Isania Symbaern

Seeker Calmcacil,

Thank you for your letters, your concerns are important to us. I shall see to this being investigated personally. As for your other concerns, as far as I am aware, the Seekers are already accepted back into the city, have been given back their old headquarters, and receive fundings from the town treasury. Please let me know what else we can do for you.

Yours sincerely,

-Paige M. Saint

*A brief letter is written in reply*

Councilor Saint,

Thank you for your response to my letters. Forgive my ignorance pertaining to Seeker Reintegration and Funding being already accepted. I am often out on patrol, so I might have missed public proclamation of such. Additionally, I am pleased to hear that the council has taken an interest in my letters, and will make their inquiries into the Spellguard.

If the council should need any assistance, be sure to let me know.
