2006-04-28 12:17:17 UTC
Since lots of parties like to use dice to decide who gets loot, why not tie pick pocket into cheating at dice rolls? Great for games of chance too.
You choose a toggle from your menu that lets you cheat on your next dice roll. It sets a variable on you, so next time you *roll 1d20* you cheat and automatically roll higher.
Everyone around can get a Spot check to catch you cheating.
Perhaps the DC is even equal to what you try to roll for the Spot checks.
Roll in the top 25%== Pick Pocket
Roll in the top 10%== Pick Pocket - 3
Roll Top Number -- Pick Pocket -5
Paha Poika
2006-04-28 12:22:28 UTC
Sounds nice for people who roll dices.
Simply: Why not! ( if you people can make it work? )
2006-04-28 12:34:59 UTC
Great idea. It would also be nice if pick-pocket could be used in conconjunction with a listener command that allowed you to "case" someone's inventory. I suspect guards have a search script; essentially it works the same way. The main difference is that pp vs. spot would determine if you are caught snooping around their knapsack and stuff, and that small/light items would require a very high pp skill to find, while large items would be quite obvious.
Maybe to the point that even an untrained eye could determine someone was carrying a set of full-plate armor, while it would take a very skilled thief to notice that magical ring in the bottom of the pack. (Perhaps item value could come into play there as well as size.)
2006-04-28 17:58:10 UTC
I vote 55555 for this idea.
2006-04-28 19:35:25 UTC
Search scripts are going to be rewritten at some point to allow anybody to search anybody else, within limits.
I will look into a dice roll cheating feature, although there are some complications.
2006-04-28 20:24:36 UTC
I can imagine the complication occurs when you want to have the listener/dice script check everyone around for their spot skill vs. the roller's pick pocket...
What about an item "Knucklebone game" that when used creates an item on the ground. Something like a small mat, or a circle, that people can simply click on to throw knucklebones. Clicking on it again with the "Knucklebone game" item in the inventory picks it up again.
(Just as a note, knucklebones only land on four sides- the narrow sides being worth 1 and 6 points, and the broad sides being worth 3 and 4. Typically, four were thrown at once.)
2006-04-29 08:03:53 UTC
Haha, and here I thought this was something else entirely... Not a bad idea I must say.
2006-04-29 14:25:59 UTC
If there is a way to cheat at dice, there needs to be a way to spot it.
Also, not to accuse pre-emptivley of meta gaming(but I am heh) but if you *CAN* cheat people are going to RAPIDLY, with no actual, apparent sign of meta gaming at the time, find other methods, or just have one person roll all the dice. I think coding this is a bit of a waste of time since it makes the feature largley obsolete.
2006-04-29 20:36:11 UTC
I agree with Guest/Vesa *smirk*.
As it stands, playing a halfling is a bit of a nuisance because so many people who know that Hin are 'natural' rogues, treat you like a thief as a result, regardless of your personal history. Going into dice rolling situation as a Halfling or known rogue is going to be a nuisance, with everybody second guessing your honesty.
On a related note, the 'Lucky' feat should apply to dice rolls, but I suspect that it would be meta-gamed into 'unlucky'.
In both cases, the 'MetaGame' way to circumvent luck or cheating is simple: Lowest results win.
The only way to impliment either effectively is to offer fair odds of being caught, and a method for the dice tosser to indicate what a 'good' result would be.
2006-04-30 03:29:27 UTC
Yeah. My character Frelt was demanded to reroll his die until someone else won, because he was obviously cheating (i got over fourteen seven times in a row ^_^)
2006-05-04 11:40:13 UTC
Kind of in the same theme: can coin flipping be added too?
2006-05-04 12:06:47 UTC
You know Arkov. I'm busy. I can't think of obvious and simple things like that.