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School of War keys.

The school of war Keys do not lock the main door (to enter/exit the area, not the bunker.)

I am not sure if this is intended or not.

You need the Arena staff key to open the gate below.

Maybe this should be changed anyway since all of the Gladiators have them.

I have the Arena staff key.

The post was made because the Key does not lock the main Door which goes into the arena from sanctuary.

Cruzel I have the Arena staff key.

The post was made because the Key does not lock the main Door which goes into the arena from sanctuary.

I don't think its suppost to.

I mean, with the Greycloak key, I should of been able to lock the Temple's doors, but it didn't, because the doors weren't suppost to be locked, shut yes, but locked? No.

Arena Staff Keys never locked the front door to the Arena. It is a public building. The School of War were just glorified (self-glorified, mostly :wink: ) caretakers.