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The Iron Brotherhood

I propose a PC organization loosely based on the teachings of Tempus. Men of honor who fight for their beliefs, even if they fall askew of what might be good and proper. We would serve as examples of what man (males not human) should strive to be: respectful of friends and foes, valiant warriors, and ardent believers that there is a right and wrong way to conduct one's affairs. Sort of like the bushido code of the samurai, without all the daimyo lordship stuff.

Members would not be asked to worship Tempus as a patron diety but to respect him as one who has given the way men should behave.

no alignment restrictions, though keep in mind that LGs and LNs might have a problem with plans id like to implement.

Success would mean that we as a group engender respect from upper and lower, though people in positions of authority in both would probably begin to take steps to eliminate us. At the end I would like to see this group last and pose problems to other pc factions and non-law enforcement groups akin to internoble struggles on coa.

anyone interested please PM. keep in mind i have no DM powers so dont join this expecting massive dm attention. but hey this could be a lot of fun and of course lots of questing, interacting, and loot collecting cause honorable asskickers deserve bling.

It sounds very cool. Please join this.

There are a few Tempus people running around at the moment, or were you looking for newly made characters