Branded in great, bold, tribal yet perfectly made letters onto the front of the old, worn leather book is the word "BLOOD".
i have lernt to rite from uncle never befor hav i nown humans wer not week and usles it seems i am luky to hav human blood after all more clever
it is amazing. i have not seen such wonders i have not lernt such things as those from uncle. the other 2 are weak one insane and the other useless but from uncle there is true power i will take it it will be mine
There is a picture of an Orc and a picture of a Human on the next page, neither very good but both obvious as their race.
I am a fool for ever thinking orcs were weak. I am a fool for ever thinking i could shun that side of me also. I tried so hard to forget what i was taught, to forget gruumsh's pure anger. But i have been shown, i have been humbled. And i will use this curse, this blood against them. I will crush the orcs where they stand, i will show them who are the strongest. It is me! It is Edrick!
Another picture, this one of a Human raising an axe above what appears to be a baby Orc.
Filth. Vermin Humans. I was a fool to take up the name Edrick, a fool to think that race pure. My blood is as tainted by them as it is by Orcs. I am half-breed, I am as monstrous as both my bloods.
I was a fool for that last passage. I have thought, and I know now. I will show them both wrong, I will take Svkast's path. I will take power, no matter what. The rules are weak, and I am not. I am the greatest of both, I am strength and I am cruelty, I am pride and cunning. I am Uthalann, who Orcs and Humans shall fear even when I am ascended.