After some time the sanctury express is now back up in running we did have to stop as out founder and reporter was found died in upper no one has siad who it was but no one needs to we all saw his last paper yes?? well we are back not as good as we once where or have the money as he did i will do my best but the we have a new start we will report facts we will side with no one goup we wil not undermine or attack any faction or group we are hear to support the free speech we all desirve and should have and we have some good news lined up full of information on the goings on in our fair city its a littel old but in a few days we will have everything els no need for tavern storys or tales told at the camp just grab this and it will tell you the more important things well in the next paper we should have the following storys
1. spys in the watch!! 2. Goblin slavers work for montezzi 3. reported growing numbers of milita groups in the city 4. montezzi port opnes strange and new buildings 5. Spider king freya opens up shop out side city 6. montezzi port bring smuggling oparations and there goods 7. montezzi give back to community 8. montezzi slow down there brutal killings of other groups 9. montezzi kill montezzi the harsh life of a basic guard in the service of the house 10. spellguard tells half truths 11. pagie madilne saint what my father didnt tell you 12. upper goverment and there plans
Till next dark stay alive Dram Marthen